Sunday, February 23, 2025

Self-care ... immersed in nature .... continued

 Exploring Newfoundland was therapeutic for me. I miss my mom so much. Grieving is a funny thing ... one day you're fine and the next thing you know you're crying, missing a loved one so much. I am taking time to honour the healing journey.

I drove through Bay de Verde.

A typical Newfoundland village centered around the fishing industry.

Found this cute chicken coop - Small white building and on the side it says .... Cluckingham Palace ... How cute is that?! lol

I left Avalon and headed to the Eastern section of Newfoundland.

Stopped in Bonivista. As I walked on the boardwalk I spotted a Jelly fish. It was a gorgeous but windy day.

It's so graceful. I enjoyed exploring Bonavista and getting lost in its beauty. 

To be continued ...

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Self-care ... immersed in nature ... continued

I love Newfoundland! Because my goal was to be in nature, I did not stop in St John Newfoundland. I continued exploring nature, taking roads that led me to the shores. I find the ocean so therapeutic ... it has a healing property. On my way I did make stops at various yarn shops.

I had to stop in Stevenson Village in Harbor Grace to check out a monument decimated to Amelia Earhart. I couldn't believe it when I saw that she had made a stop here 

I remember doing a book report on her back in 7th grade. Brought back so many memories. Here is the log.

I do enjoy taking my time exploring. It's amazing how much you can learn.

To be continued ...

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Self-care ... immerse in nature ...

 Last August I once again took a trip to Newfoundland. It was a time I scheduled for me to heal. I was grieving the death of my mom and with my busy schedule (full time work/school) had not had the time I needed to take it all in. So off to Newfoundland I went.

There is something about Newfoundland that speaks to me. This time I took the 16 hour long ferry to Argentia to begin exploring the Avalon section - Bottom yellow section.

I was so excited to finally arrive.

 I spent my first night in La Manche Provincial Park. What a gorgeous place. 

I have not been disappointed with any provincial or federal parks that I've stayed in. I cannot say the same for private camping sites, which I tend to stay away from as much as possible.

Had my first meal at the Riverside Restaurant & Lounge in Cape Boyle. OMG, the fresh mussels were to die for.

And I enjoyed my very first Iceberg beer from Quidi Vidi Brewery.

OMG, soooo good and refreshing. It's actually made with Iceberg water. I did buy a case of 12 to bring home. In hindsight ... I should have bought more to share. For the record, I still have two bottle left ... keeping them for a special occasion ;)

To be continued ....

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