Friday, February 5, 2021

Tear down the wall ....

I've been in a quiet mood as of late. I seem to be listening to a lot of older music ... music from my teens. Pink Floyd ... The Wall has been a constant play ... album style!

Just sitting ... quietly listening with Stella getting some lap time.

I've been mindful of spending time with my kitty. She was recently diagnosed with stage 2 kidney failure. She's now on a special kidney friendly diet that I'm hoping will stabilize her condition and allow her more time on this good earth.

She is such a wonderful companion and quite the character! Spunky nut case at times! lol

Thanks for stopping by! Catch you all later! Cheers!


Lady Locust said...

Hey now, Pink Floyd’s not that old. Let’s go back to Dean Martin 😂. Hoping you and Stella share many more snuggles 🐈‍⬛

Needled Mom said...

It sounds like a perfect way to spend your days. I hope the new diet improves her kidney condition.

Shelina said...

Your cat looks like my sister's cats. I too hope the diet helps her.

Chookyblue...... said...

I go thru patches of listening to certain artists /genre......

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, I'm hoping your sweet kitty will feel better. I fear one of ours might have the same problem -- we need to get him to the vet. Happy Kitty Snuggling!

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