Yep, that's been pretty much our weather as of late. So, being of the "practical nature" kind of person that I am, I decided to make the best of it and put up my pool.

Yep, that's right! Why not?!
No, it hasn't rained that much but we have certainly received quite a few inches of rain.
Given that the forecast is rain for the week, I turned off the hose and allow Mother Nature to do her thing!
With the 4,000 gallons required to fill it, every little bit of help counts and.... it doesn't cost anything! ;o)
On the quilting front, I continue to
keep myself out of trouble be productive and finished this little hand appliqué gem from the
Fat Quarter Quilting Book by Lori Smith.

The pattern is called Tumbling Leaves.
It's been a flimsy for quite some time awaiting patiently to be loaded on Penelope.
The dilemma was, how do I machine quilt it?
After much thought, I decided to make it appear windy ...... sort of give it the blowing leaf look! I call it Blustery day!
Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner in Cyberspace!
Keep well everyone! Cheers!