Of course it must be served in my special cup, otherwise it's just caffeine! lol
Seriously, I make myself one of these, and it's an instant relaxing state of mind!
That cup is meaningful, some would even think of it as sacred, as it brings on a certain state of mind, a state of being. It is not any different when it comes to quilting.
I also have special tools that assist me in "being" in a quilting state of mind. One of which is my thimble.
Sadly, I lost my special thimble more then 2 (two) years ago. I checked everywhere. I cleaned my car, took everything apart. Nothing!
I have been waiting, patiently and not so patiently, for this special thimble to show up. When it was time to discard our other car, that too was taken apart and I do mean apart, nothing. The thimble never showed up! :o(
Having waited more then I could bare, continuing my search high and low, I broke down and bought myself another thimble!

You cannot imagine how happy I was when I found it!
I bought it from Silver Thimble Gifts! They have a very nice selection of thimbles! However, I was too attached to my old one to consider another model.
So now.....

Quilting is a way for me to get away for the daily stresses. When I do hand work, I'm in my own little happy place! My tools are just a means for setting me in the right frame of mind.
Do you have personal tools that you like to use for certain quilting work? I'd love to read about it. Leave me a comment and I will have a draw. The prize? A unique notion holder made by my husband Stephen.
Perhaps, the loss of my thimble was the reason for my not doing much hand applique, something I dearly love. I have certainly been busy with needle and thread since the arrival of my new thimble! Stay tune for show and tell! ;o)
Thank you so much for stopping by! Oh, by the way, I have picked the winner for the mass production half square triangle fun post. Jane from quiltsmiles! I know where to find you! ;o) You will receive a notion holder! But hey, you can still leave me a comment and if I pick your name, I'll think of something else! ;o) Drawing will close on April 16, 2011! Cheers!
I think all of us have special things that means very much to you. I have one little scissor that when I do not find it I feel sooooo lost. In fact when I got devorced this scissor was the first thing I grabbed back from my x fishing bag. He had "stolen" it from me and used it for cutting the fishthread (know it's the wrong word but guess you understand)
My favorite notion is a toothpick. I like to do needleturn applique. That toothpick (moistened a little in my mouth) turns that 1/8th inch edge easy as pie!
My special tool is the tool holder just like yours in the photo. I don't need to be in the drawing since I have one already, but I did want to pause and thank you and your sweet hubby once more for the one you gifted me a few years ago. I love it and use it and treasure it!!! Thank you!!!
Love your cup & the story of your new thimble. I will have to give some thought to your question & I will be back!
I love your thimble and will have to go take a look at that website. I have a couple of favorite tools right now - one is a little thread snipper by Tooltron and the other are the 5" snips by Fiskars. Both are wonderful!
What a great post... we could be twins when it comes to the 'caffeine in just the right cup'! I'm pretty serious about my homemade mochas, and of course the mug in which it is served.
And my favorite quilting tool has got to be sunshine. I'm waaay more creative on a day when there's beautiful natural light shining in my sewing room than when it's dreary outside. {I live in B.C., about an hour from Vancouver, and the area's called the Lower Mainland... although most of the time it's really the 'Lower Rainland'.} Other than that, anything that keeps my hands busy makes my happy!
Have a wonderful day! Kimberly
Oooh, that's a beautiful little thimble - no wonder you love it so. I can't use any of the new fangled leather or stick on thimbles -- give me an old fashioned one like yours. And it's my must have tool too!
I have my favorite things too, caffeine is my need, so I can keep going and going, lol. I love my thread holder you gave me, always special to use something from a friend.
I sure do understand about the thimble. My thimble is also my *special* quilting tool. It's Roxanne's silver thimble that I bought years ago. It's beautiful, it fits me perfectly and worth every penny I paid for it. I hope it becomes an heirloom in my family. In fact, I just bought myself a thimblecage necklace at the last quilt show I went to and now I can wear it around my neck. That thimble just means quilting to me!
My grandmother's scissors were in a box of things my mom considered junk. When I asked if I could have them mom was suprised I would want "those old things". To me they represent a person I miss very much and I feel as though she is still around.
LOVE the notion holder!
I know several ladies who uses a thimble when they applique. I tried but it gets in my way. I will use a little sticky pad on my middle finger instead.
I use a Roxanne thimble when I hand quilt which I love. I don't want to lose it.
A beautiful thimble! Like you, I have several items that just seem to make all right again. Enjoy your new thimble!
Thank you so much Carole! I love the notion holder and I will cherish it. I have a place next to my stitching chair that I think will be perfect, who knows this just might be the push to get me back into my applique PHDs. LOL
As for my favorite notion, hummmmm... I have many, it all depends which techinique I currently am working on would be the reason for my latest thrill.
I have 2 favorite thimbles. One is an antique which I truly adore and it was also "my first" and the other one is a beautiful sterling silver thimble which my Mom gave to me, so I really treasure both.
My all time favorite notion though has to be my magic eyes. I use them for applique, beading and my counted cross stitch. I am forever trying to locate them for whichever is my current focal project.
Thanks again for the notion holder, your the best! Jane
That thimble is looking good :) Now I always use my notion holder that was made by Carole´s DH. I say as Connie thanks again!
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