There are items in my life that represents a certain state of mind.

Take my latte for instance! This to me is relaxation!
Of course it must be served in my special cup, otherwise it's just caffeine! lol
Seriously, I make myself one of these, and it's an instant relaxing state of mind!
That cup is meaningful, some would even think of it as sacred, as it brings on a certain state of mind, a state of being. It is not any different when it comes to quilting.
I also have special tools that assist me in "being" in a quilting state of mind. One of which is my thimble.
Sadly, I lost my special thimble more then 2 (two) years ago. I checked everywhere. I cleaned my car, took everything apart. Nothing!
I have been waiting, patiently and not so patiently, for this special thimble to show up. When it was time to discard our other car, that too was taken apart and I do mean apart, nothing. The thimble never showed up! :o(
Having waited more then I could bare, continuing my search high and low, I broke down and bought myself another thimble!

I loved my last thimble so much that I purchased the exact one!
You cannot imagine how happy I was when I found it!
I bought it from
Silver Thimble Gifts! They have a very nice selection of thimbles! However, I was too attached to my old one to consider another model.
So now.....

I sit with my special notion holder, housing the tools that make hand applique so relaxing for me and work away.
Quilting is a way for me to get away for the daily stresses. When I do hand work, I'm in my own little happy place! My tools are just a means for setting me in the right frame of mind.
Do you have personal tools that you like to use for certain quilting work? I'd love to read about it. Leave me a comment and I will have a draw. The prize? A unique notion holder made by my husband Stephen.
Perhaps, the loss of my thimble was the reason for my not doing much hand applique, something I dearly love. I have certainly been busy with needle and thread since the arrival of my new thimble! Stay tune for show and tell! ;o)
Thank you so much for stopping by! Oh, by the way, I have picked the winner for the mass production half square triangle fun post. Jane from
quiltsmiles! I know where to find you! ;o) You will receive a notion holder! But hey, you can still leave me a comment and if I pick your name, I'll think of something else! ;o) Drawing will close on April 16, 2011! Cheers!