On the finish front, I have been working on The Circuit Rider's Quilt - An Album Honoring a Beloved Minister by Jenifer Dick. It's a needleturn applique class I'm teaching at the Shoppe.

I decided to use some of my scraps from the Women of Influence quilt.
I'm not a scrap collector and therefore am always looking to use any left overs as soon as I can.
I really admire people who are able to work with scraps. Unless I can use them within a reasonable time frame in another project, I give them away to a good cause.

The leafs and center bulb are fabrics from the newest Judy Rothermel collection, The Civil War Tribute, from Marcus Bros. What a sweet line of fabrics they are. I do plan on incorporating more of that line in future blocks. For the circles, I did use scraps.
I realize that I have not been as diligent about blogging and I do want to apologize. So to make up for my lack, it's time for a give away.
Remember that quilt I finished a while back? You can view it here.
The pattern was called Stars Aligned by Cozy Quilt Designs.

All of the fabrics, except inner border and corner stones, come from the Moda line; Glace by Three Sisters.
The blueish fabric that you see is called Grunge Blue, also a Moda designed by Basic Grey.
There you have, the prize to be given away.
So, leave a comment on this blog entry and you will be entered in the give away.
The dead line is April 10, 2010. Good luck!
Thank you for stopping by and for your patience with my lack of posting. Cheers!
Your applique work is very lovely.
I would love to be put in your giveaway draw. I can't believe that I'm the first one to post a comment!
Hi Carole....Happy Easter :)
Your blocks look great. Please include me....hope all is well and wonderful in your world.
Beautiful job with the applique. I have that book around here somewhere... I would love to enter your giveaway! I think I have a few fabrics around here that would work nicely with those in your kit to make it a little bigger. My DH needs a new couch quilt but he's 6'6".
What an amazing give away. Please count me in. I'd love to win that gorgeous kit.
oh how I love that Circuit Rider quilt, yes I need to start mine...
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, WOW, love those fabrics
have a great weekend, isn't it nice to finally see the sun!
Wonderful new block and such a fun giveaway. I'll be happy to participate. After all, red is a neutral and one can never have enough neutrals! LOL.
Well, if you are going to have great prizes like this you should feel guilty more often! lol! Just kidding! I miss hearing from you.
I wish I was as good at appliqueing like you are, your work is stunning.
I like your applique blocks. thanks for the chance to win your quilt kit. those are great fabrics. Happy Easter!
I so wish I could part with some of my scraps. ;(
Your blocks are wonderful. Glad to see you are tackling those bins.
Please add my name for the giveaway. I would love to make that throw.
Please add my name to the drawing!
I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you are doing. I know you aren't able to post as often, but it seems like you are happily busy!
I hadn't heard of this book you are teaching from for your class. I may have to look into it. My father-in-law is always talking about the circuit rider in his family. I've been meaning to make him a quilt and I think he would like the history behind it.
Your blocks look great, but then they always do. I enjoy seeing what you are working on, but have not seen a post from your shop in some time. Hope all is going well there.
Love the fabrics in the giveaway - please count me in!
Your appliqué is lovely...I love the old folk style patterns.
Please count me in on your giveaway...the colours of the fabric are beautiful!
I love the applique - beautiful fabrics!
What a nice give-away - thanks for the chance to win!
I still can't believe you don't save your scraps!?! I am amazed and wondering what my life would be life if I did the same...hmmmm
The star quilt is beautiful and I would love to be in a draw for even the scraps from your quilt :)
WOW great give away my friend. I'm glad your getting some stuff finished.
I love me a give away! So mark down my little name. :-)
It is a lovely quilt, and your blocks are coming along quite nicely. What a great giveaway!
What a wonderful thing to have as a giveaway. But what really caught my eye was your album leaf block! I love it! And I love that fabric you used!
Hi Carole ... I look forward to reading your blog posts. I am not a blogger only a follower. I know how exciting it is to finish a project. I have finished four in the last couple of months ... one is from 10 years ago. Please add my name to your draw. I am coming your way to the Vermont Quilt Festival and hope to meet you at the shop. Judy from Ontario Canada.
Hi Carole,
What a nice thing to do to have such a lovely giveaway. It is so satisfying to get some projects done isn't it?
I am gradually beginning to get something made again- I have begun working on a new convergence quilt - I have stumbled a bit with it and had to rip out as much as I sewed but I think I have it fixed.
Hope you have lots of visitors. It is always nice to see you blogging.
Warmest regards,
You applique blocks are wonderful. I'm glad you've had a little time for blogging, great giveaway. Please drop my name in the hat.
Hi Carole! I haven't been blogging much, but always am happy to see a post from you pop up in my reader. Especially one with a give away! ;) lmw 6600 @ gmail . com.
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Hi Carole. Enter me in your give away :)) I haven't been posting much either!! It looks like lovely fabric!
Jim and I have just booked a flight for a week in New York City - we are quite excited!! Any touristy suggestions? Quilt shops easy to get to?
Hi Carole! Happy easter- your applique is beautiful! I'm loving my civil war quilts at the moment, they have a timelessness and coziness to them that nothing else can compare to! I would love some more Glace in my house!!! What a fantastic giveaway! Thank you!
You do beautiful applique work. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog and I will be back for sure.
What a wonderful giveaway! The mere thought of applique sends me running for the hills...
What an awesome giveaway! Please add me to the draw.
I've missed you but realize you must be crazy busy with your quilt shop and all. Please include me in the draw....did you see mine that will end soon!!
Your applique looks beautiful! Wish I lived closer to come in and visit your shop. Maybe someday.
Happy Easter!
You do beautiful work! This is a fabulous giveaway and I'd love to win. Thank you for the chance.
Wow this is a very generous giveaway.........I loved the quilt you made from this pattern.........have fun with your giveaway.........
love the cornerstone block too.......
Great giveaway! Thanks for sharing!
Wow that's an amazing prize. Thank goodness I have caught up on my blog reader. Your quilts are just lovely BTW.
Fabulous prize--I love that fabric line. Please count me in.
Fab prize - always wanted to make a quilt -please count me in
Your applique is perfect, Carole! Tell us your secrets!
These are absolutely stunning fabrics - I would happily rehome them :o)
I always enjoy seeing your applique. You do such a nice job! Your shop much keep you very busy.
Very nice giveaway!
Nancy E
I really like the Cornerstone Flower block!
The applique blocks are wonderful you do amazing work. This will be a gorgeous quilt!:)~
Lovely applique! And thank you for the chance for the giveaway!
Gosh, I almost slipped up and would have missed this fab giveaway. Hope I'm in time to enter. :)
Hey how did I miss this post! Nice to 'see' you, my friend.
You know I love Moda fabrics and this pattern with stars is beautiful.
So I would love to win :)
Your applique is beautiful, A great giveaway!
Love MODA fabrics! Thanks for the great give-away.
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