Friday, September 11, 2009

Are you ready....?!?! I've been busy....!

Gosh, did I ever accomplish a lot this past week. Not only have I been productive on the quilting front, but I also took pictures.

You know, for a while there I had a glimpse of what it must feel like to be Darlene from Quilting Daze. LOL ;o) She is sooooo productive, it's amazing the quilts she accomplishes.

So.... are you ready.... here goes!

Block 2 - Attributed to Amelia Jenks Bloomer (1818-1894)

Block 3 - Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954)

Block 4 - Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910)

Block 5 - Jane Addams (1860- )

Block 6 - Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)

Block 7 - Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)

Block 8 - Lucretia Mott (1793- )

Block 9 - Frances Perkins (1880 - )

Block 10 - Fanny Jackson Coppin (1837 - 1913)

Block 11 - Susan B. Anthony ((1820 - 1906)

I finished machine appliqueing the last one Wednesday evening.

As for block 12, I'm waiting to hear from Kansas City Star. Seems there are 2 (two) fabrics that are not used in the quilt and I'm wondering where they go. Perhaps they belong to block 12.

So, I put the blocks away! I do need a break, and am now working on another project. I have a need to do a quick project in between long ones, other wise I get bored with it. Do any of you feel the need to break in between large projects? I'm just curious!

Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!


Carol said...

What wonderful blocks! That is going to be one beautiful quilt. I always have more than one thing going on at a time. Short attention span I guess.

Julia said...

This is going to be absolutely stunning! Do you have any info on where I can get it? Or can I order i from you? You really need to set up an online store, so that we can join in with you on all of the fun! :~)

Vicki W said...

This is going to be a beautiful quilt! Mostly I need to have about 10 projects going concurrently.

Shelina said...

Oh my goodness! You certainly have been busy! 11 blocks is quite an accomplishment for one week. They are all beautiful.

Needled Mom said...

Yes you have been busy and they all look so fabulous! Way to go.

Wendy said...

Holy cow have you been working hard. I love all the blocks you've done. That will be one stunning quilt when your done.

WoolenSails said...

I really love those blocks and the colors you used. It is going to be one beautiful quilt when it is all together, can't wait to see it.


Unknown said...

Oh yes a break is something I have to have in between large projects. You sure have been productive, I love those fabrics you used, was it specially made for this quilt?

Mary said...

Wow those blocks are just beautiful! What an incredible quilt you have in process!

Thimbleanna said...

WOW! Congrats on all that productivity! Your blocks are all beautiful!!!

Within A Quarter Inch said...

I love those blocks! Just great.

And YES, I do feel the same way - I find that I need to take breaks from larger projects and enjoy a couple quickies to get my mojo back sometimes.

I flit. I'm a flitter.

Teresa said...

Great looking blocks. Applique is so special and you do a nice job.

julieQ said...

Love your blocks, these quilts will be spectacular! Yes, I need a break from the large projects at times. You have gotten so much done!

Deb said...

carole your blocks are gorgeous! love the pattern as well. I usually am working on 3-4 projects and then doing quickies are right feeling like you got something done inbetween helps you move on with those never ending projects even binding...LOL

Dixie Howard said...

Love your quilt blocks, Carole. How nice to make a quilt honoring these special ladies. Can't wait to see how it turns out - you are using beautiful fabrics!

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