The summer sort of forgot to show up! I don't know how it's been in your neck of the woods, but here in Upstate New York, it's been a wet season! For a time there I thought Stephen would be building an ark! ;o)
The Shoppe keeps me out of trouble. ;o) I'm enjoying quilting samples for the Shoppe. I made a vow to myself that I would only make quilts for the Shoppe that I want to make. That's been my promise to myself, only buy fabrics that inspire me and make quilts that I would love to own myself. You'd think that would narrow down the pattern choices, but there are so many delicious quilt patterns out there. Let's just say, my heart keeps me busy! ;o)
So.... Yes, I've been a busy bee. I've completed many projects and neglect to blog about it. Sigh! My Coney Island is now a flimsy and I'm hoping to load it on Penelope and have it machine quilted before I show it to you. It really turned out gorgeous.

It is a block of the month that the Shoppe will be offering in September. It's a gorgeous quilt!
This is the first block and it is in honour of Lucy Stone.
I had to rework the whole quilt on EQ6 as the rotary cutting instruction are rounded to the nearest 1/8 and technically, it really should be rounded to the nearest 1/16 for rotary cutting accuracy! I'm anal that way, what can I say?!?! lol
There are templates to use, but since I'm not much of a template user, I opted to re-work it. It is such a gorgeous quilt!
I've been keeping up on blog land, more as the invisible woman! lol Lot's of talented quilters! Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!
It's nice to here from you, Carole! Any plans to start taking online orders for the Shoppe, or do you want to just focus on the bricks and mortar business?
I was just thinking about you this week while I was quilting the tshirt quilt and using my beautiful custom made elastic lifts. I'm glad you finally checked in again and it sounds like things are going great for you. Are you going to MQX in April?
So good to "hear" from you again. I totally understand your absense, lots of work going on at the shop I am sure, your BOM sounds really nice- I love the block!
I'm so happy that you're enjoying the Shoppe...there just is never enough time.
Good to see you the look of this you have any more details.........
Your BOM looks great!
I'm sure you have been terribly busy with the shop, but we did miss your blog. I can't imagine having to choose fabrics with the amount of beautiful fabrics that are out there now.
How are things going with Penelope? I miss hearing about your playdays with her.
We, too, have had a cool summer - until this week.
I had summer here :) It would be great to see some of the samples you have done for the shoppe!
Your precise cutting and measuring is obvious in your block construction - it looks great. I enjoy following the progress of your shop on the shop blog and enjoying the fun and excitment of starting a new enterprise. I wish you much success.
Gosh -- good to have you pop back in -- I was worried the shop swallowed you up. Love that cute little block!
Good to see you blogged. Time does get away very easily! Glad the shop is doing well. Love the first block of your new BOM too. Keep at it!
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