Busy, busy, busy is what it has been for me. Non stop, going and going..... I can hardly catch my breath!
Last Sunday was my convocation. I'm glad I went, it was absolutely a wonderful ceremony marking the closure of a chapter in my life! We were ushered in by a bag piper! I just love the sound of bag pipes. The ceremony lasted over 2 (two) hours. Afterwards, we went to my mums for a BBQ.
The following Tuesday we all left for Camp Overlook! Yep, both Stephen and I were chaperons for a school outing that lasted till Friday! We called it our family vacation at tax payers' expense! lol We all had a great time.
Saturday, it was back at work for me! I love my new job as a Shoppe owner, so it wasn't too painful! ;o)
Despite the busy schedule, I did manage to do a tad of quilting this weekend.
If your recall, back in September 2008, while on a bus tour with my guild, I bought a kit in Pennsylvania!
Some of those fabrics have been cut into pieces and sewn back together to become......

What a tedious block that was! So many pieces...... 29 per block to be exact! ;~ o Reminds me of the Corn and Bean quilt I made many moons ago.
Nonetheless, they are done! I do want to point out that the fabric used on the top cone was a gift from Leigh, an Aussie, who sadly no longer blogs.
Gosh, I think she sent that to me almost 4 (four) years ago. I've been saving it for a special quilt! Looks great as a cone. I still have a small piece left to use in another project! Thanks again Leigh for the fun mail.
Thank you for stopping by!