Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Can I brag...?

Well, I think I'm back! Yes sir, it's been a rough few months, but it's all behind me now. I am just so excited to share with you the great news. Please..... allow me to do a bit of bragging.

I'm finished with school! You read correctly. I will be graduating with my Master... oh wait, let's use the fancy word, Magisteriate in Arts in the History and Philosophy of Religion.

In other words I'M GRADUATING!

I am just so full of emotions at the moment! Tears of joy!

Thank you for allowing me a bit of bragging!

I'll be leaving for MQX on Thursday! I am so looking forward to a vacation! Nothing on my mind but fun! Finally, I'll be able to read just for the sake of reading.... Wait, can handle reading for pleasure? Oh my gosh.....

Quilt without guilt here I come! WOOOO HOOOOO! Party time!

Thanks for stopping by!


Vicki W said...

Conratulations! I am so happy for you!! I'm really sorry I'm not going to be about to celebrate with you at MQX. I know you will have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Have lots of fun at MQX.

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Awesome news! Congrats on finally finishing school. Quilting, here we come!

Karen said...

Congratulations. That must feel good. Enjoy MQX and happy quilting!

Dolores said...

Been there, done that and not that long ago (last year.) Congratulations!! Have fun and enjoy your freedom.

Pam said...

Fabulous! Wonderful!! Congratulations!!!!!

Have a wonderful time at MQX - it looks like it would be a great event to attend.

Lindah said...

How wonderful! Congratulations! What a sense of accomplishment you must have. --not to mention relief. ;-) Enjoy MQX!

sandra said...

Congratulations! Have fun!

antique quilter said...

oh I am just so happy for you!
what an accomplishment. YOU DESERVE this vacation and what a great vacation spending it at MQX , can't wait to hear what the first book you will read for pleasure is!

Melanie said...

Awesome job!!! What's next? a need summer rest?

Carol said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You brag all you want...what an accomplishment! Fantastic. Have a wonderful time at MQX...rest, relax and have tons of fun!

Deb said...

Yippee!!! Carole it is much deserved you worked hard for your papers and I look forward to keeping up with your "guiltfree quilting journey" enjoy your wonderful vacation and hope that you are already spoken for in your field for a job placement.

Sheila said...

What wonderful news, Carole! Many congratulations. You're going to be blazing a trail this year with all you're accomplishing.

Ruth said...

More congratulations! I'm sure it must be a BIG relief! You'll definitely have more time to pursue quilting now!

Teresa said...


Julia said...

Wow!!! That is fantastic! Way to go!! Congratulations!

Have fun at MQX! I am going to the Home Machine Quilting Show in Salt Lake City, UT next month! :~)

Thimbleanna said...

Wow congratulations Carole! Now we'll hear more from you ;-)!!!

Anne Heidi said...

Oh that is wonderful news, Congratulations! You deserve a loong holiday now!

Karrin Hurd said...

Congratulations Carole, what an accomplishment! Have a great vacation!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congratulations!! Well done you...you must be over the moon.

Anonymous said...

phew!!!!! love you!!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh what wonderful news! Congrats Big Time!

Unknown said...

Yessssss. Congratulations my dear Carole, when is the graduation day?

Wendy said...

Congratulations to you Carole. It's been a long haul, I'm glad you can now do what makes you happy....lots of quilting and that new store...I'm so excited for you. And we'll be chatting a lot more too!

Needled Mom said...

It must be such a wonderful feeling to finally have time for yourself. Congratulations on all the hard work being behind you.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

WOOHOOOOO congratulations girlfriend. I'm so proud of you. What an accomplishment. You should be sooo happy. Now onto fun things!!!

Kim said...

You have accomplished a lot in many areas of your life. I've enjoyed watching all unfold in the year or so that I have followed your blog. Congratulations Carole.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic accomplishment! Congrats!!! Are you still opening a quilt store too?

Libby said...

Congratulations . . . . take a deep breath and go have some fun *s*

Bed Linen said...

Great. Go for it.

Chookyblue...... said...

congrats Carole........well done..........but pleased excuse my ignorance........what does that mean you can do now???

Yvonne said...

Congratulations Carole! Such an awesome accomplishment, of course you may brag. :) Can't wait to hear about your adventures at MQX.

Shelina said...

Congratulations Carole! You are definitely due for a vacation - a very long one.

Dixie Howard said...

Way to go, Carole! Congratulations and a big hug across cyberspace from me. Hope you enjoy your trip - you earned it! Can't wait to hear what you are up to next...

swooze said...


Sweet P said...

Woohoo! Congratulations on graduating! What will you do next?

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