Friday, December 5, 2008

We interrupt your current program ...!

School is not going according to plan. On Tuesday I was diagnosed with a kidney infection and spent the day at the hospital undergoing various tests. I decided to postpone my exam until Monday. I'm hurting and I wanted the antibiotics to take effect before I write such a stressssful exam. You cannot begin to imagine how I am looking forward to no more guilt ridden quilting. lol

On a quilting note, a while back Wendy, from Snippet of a Quilter, sent me some lovely goodies in the mail, one of which was a charm pack of Sandy Gervais' Merry & Bright. Such bright fun fabrics! During my trip to Pennsylvania, I found the perfect pattern for it!

Tah... dah...! My first time working with charm squares! I started this project during my quilting retreat!

The pattern is called Delightful #381 by Pieces from my Heart. It's so bright and cheerful!

Notice how it is completed!

Yeap, not only did I work to get it done, it also has a label. Why you might ask?

Well, it's a gift for a friend. There's nothing like a dead line to get things rolling. lol I hope s/he will like it.

Aside from Holly Jolly, not much quilting has been going on. I haven't even had play dates with Penelope. Sigh!

A while back a wonderful lady from Ohio sent me some quilt tops to practice my machine quilting, with the only stipulation that they be given to charity. An offer I could not resist!

I did manage to machine quilt 2 (two) of the quilt tops, one of which I neglected to photograph. Both have found a home amongst the elderly.

Thank you again Sheila for your generosity. I have one more to quilt, but it will have to wait until school is done.

Thank you for your visit. I always enjoy reading your comments.

Have a wonderful day!


Vicki W said...

What an adorable little quilt!

Unknown said...

The little quilt is so beautiful, I love the "wire" to hang up the ornament! Your quilting is great :)

Needled Mom said...

Sorry to hear about your kidney infection. OUCH!!! Bet you really felt awful!

I love the little quilt. It is so jolly and bright. What a cute pattern.

Wasn't that a thoughtful idea to send you tops to practice your machine quilting? Graet thought on her behalf!

Have a great weekend. Hope you get to feeling all better.

swooze said...

Your quilt turned out great. I thought school was done, done for you. When do you finish?

Nanny Ree said...

Such beautiful bright colours it looks amazing!!! Marie x

Teresa said...

A sweet little Christmas quilt - so cute. I think I can see how to make it and might have to try making one myself. Great job.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I've always liked that line! And what a great way to use the charm pack! It is wonderful!

Leigh said...

Hi Carole, your quilting is looking great!! Good work.

WoolenSails said...

What a beautiful quilt, your friend will love it.
I love how you did up the label, I need to work on making better labels.


Thimbleanna said...

Ouch! I hope you're feeling better! Your little quilt is really cute!

Julia said...

Get better real soon, dear friend. Kidney infections are on fun! Take care! (((hugs)))

I love the little quilt. I just finished up a wall hanging using those fabrics. I have a few leftover and this would be perfect for the scraps.

Lovely quilting! Is it freehand or did you use a panto?

Good Luck on the exam!

Laila said...

Your little quilt are sooo sweet.Thanks for showing. ;-)

Libby said...

Hope you are feeling much much better now. What a generous gift of quilts - you know they will be well loved *s*

Wendy said...

Oh Carole, I'm sorry to hear about the infection, I hope you are feeling better for your exam.
The Christmas mat is so cheery, great job.

What a great idea for the charity quilts and so generous.

Deb said...

they look fabulous!! I noticed they are being displayed on your new work table as well.. you will wonder how you survived without it!! be careful with those drawers though they will hide projects that you thought you lost!!

QuiltNut Creations said...

great job on the quilting! and i love your charm square quilt-just too cute!

hope you are feeling 100% soon!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Oh Carole, I'm sorry that your not feeling well. I too get those infections and they are wicked!! I hope it goes away soon. Or at least get some drugs so you wont feel a thing. LOL
Love the little wallhanging. Very cute. Your labels are sooo nice. I still want one of those machines. BEFORE I have to go on the "B" word. LOLOL
Get well!

Pam said...

I sure hope you are feeling better now - and you had a good result with your exam. Good thing you were able to postpone it. Now is a terrible time of the year to be sick.

The little Merry and Bright Christmas piece is so cute. I'm sure it will be loved by who ever receive it!

I hope you have a better week - this week.

Shelina said...

Both of these are great quilts. The one you made is so nice and cheerful. I really like the dark colors in the one Sheila made. I should consider adding darker colors to my quilts. The quilting looks great too.

Karen said...

Love the little charm pack quilt. The fabric is great!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Helloooooo Carole!!! Are you out there?? How are you feeling?? Better I hope. I've been thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

This is beautifull!!!!

Mama from
Make friends and send and receive some gifts around the world

Cheryl said...

Great little Christmas quilt. Hope you are doing better.

julieQ said...

How nice of you to quilt some quilts for charity. I am sorry you have felt bad, those UTI's can really drag you down and make you feel miserable! Merry Christmas!!

Pieced Pastimes said...

Love the ornament design. It is so darn cute! Very nice!

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