I didn't take many pictures during my trip to Pennsylvania. I think mainly because I was there last year and had reported on my visit.
The show was nice. It wasn't busy at all compared to others I have experienced. I think it was mainly due to being a weekday. Bonus for me! Some of the gals from my guild did mention that compared to prior years, the show was smaller this year. Never having been, I cannot judge, I just know that I had a good time. I didn't see any quilts that jumped out at me, so no pictures.
Unfortunately, I was not able to take a course with her due to time constraint, but I did want to buy a copy of her book Mastering Quilt Marking. It's out of print and I was hoping she would have some copies on hands.
As you see, it was my lucky day! She even offered to autograph it for me!
My second priority was to seek out the APQS booth, the dealer being David & Gretchen Adams from Afton, NY.
I needed to find out what I'm either doing right or wrong with my longarm. I wanted to get a good feel of things, if you know what I mean!
I did find out that my top and backing rollers are much too tight and so is my loaded quilt. I need to loosen up! She did give me some pointers in regards to my clamps getting in the way.

And... Ya know, that pretty much means everything! ;o)
Yes, more hand embroidery patterns! How could I resist! You all know whose fault it is!!!!!! lol
One of the patterns is from Sandy Gervais. A while back I received a wonderful surprise from a dear friend and the pattern will be perfect for the charm pack.
I just love those "This & That" patterns. They make such sweet gifts for friends!
Given that we were going shop hopping all day on Saturday, I did stay away from any fabric purchase. Well......
I'm telling you, the Fig Tree look is my new fad! Well, it is a Moda you know and ......... I'm such a Moda girl!
So there you have it, my day at the show! I had a great time shopping at quilt store booths that I would not have the opportunity to visit.
Thank you so much for stopping by! I enjoy reading your comments!
Have a great day every one!
Love your new header and I'm glad you are back! It sounds like you had a great time at the show.
Lucky you to get the copy of the book you wanted.
I was very disappointed in the show at Harrisburg. I've been to other Mancuso-run shows and this one was NOT up to their usual standards and I sent an email telling them that. There were many well-known vendors who are at most all shows (and all the other Mancuso-run shows I've attended) who were NOT at this show. Many of the items I hoped to purchase weren't even available. Oh, well.....we had fun with our group on the bus and a nice dinner afterwards, but....the show itself wasn't anything to rave about, in my opinion.
Great banner! I'm glad to see your back in touch with us and all that sharing of your loot!
Looks like you picked up some really fun patterns and fabric!
Looks like several things from your to do list were successfully crossed off. And do I detect a little bit of excitement regarding pattern acquisitions and fab fabric? Hum??? Funk be gone!
glad you took advantage of this windy , cozy day!! you're page looks great.
p. s. didn't see my name!:>}
love and kisses---j
Love the new header! So cute!!
I am loving Fig Tree too! Their new line, Fig Tree and Plum, (I think) is just so yummy!
Looks like you snagged some great goodies. I love that little sign. Congrats on finding Pepper and that out of print book, it's a good one!
I'm a Moda girl, too *s* Love the new header!
Your blog's new look is great. I saw Pepper Cory talk about quilt marking on the one-time show Simply Quilts. I think I have that book in my stash. I wonder if the economy is partly the cause of the quilt show's changes.
Love your goodies! Those fabric colors are beautiful and I love that little sign!
Glad to have you back. I always love seeing what you are doing.
It looks as though you will have plenty to keep you busy with embroidery and quilting. Glad that you got some of the longarm questions answered.
Really cute header! I love your stack of fabrics--I love fig tree too! I'm hoping you'll tell more about that book one after you've had time to read it, it looks very interesting and marking is something I hate to do (and almost never do) so I need all the help I can get to make it easier!
Your new header is cool! Looks like you had a great time shopping. Enjoy all your new goodies.
Love all your purchases. Fig Tree fabs are just the best aren't they?
Funny you said to loosen up on the quilt loaded. I did the same thing. I had them so tight you could bounce a quarter off them. LOL
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