Friday, July 18, 2008

It's here.......................!


It has finally arrived! I'm so excited!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to set it up till at least after the weekend. We're expecting company and we need the bed that's presently in the room my new toy will be! Hey, maybe I can convince our guests to sleep in the garage! ROFLOL

Oh well, not a big deal! It will allow me some time to watch the DVD and peruse the assembling instructions.

Gosh, I feel like a little kid! lol

My friend Jennifer is coming over tonight. She says that she just wants to touch the boxes! lol

Of course, I had to peak inside to get the instructions. Oh okay, so I wanted to see what was in all those boxes. lol I found lots of little extra, like a couple of panthogram, thread samples and post it notes! Bonus!

Oh.. I can't wait to set it up! Oh I'm so excited and I just can't hide it .....................................! Wooooooooooowhoooooooooooo!

Thanks for participating in my excitement! Hugs!


Anonymous said...

woo you!!!!
love --jen

Sheila said...

Congratulations on your new baby!

Let me know if you're accepting flimsies to practice on. I have some I'll offer up, so long as they go to charity when you're ready.

Yvonne said...

I'm so excited for you!!!!! Maybe they wouldn't mind so

Vicki W said...


Unknown said...

Maybe you could let them sleep in the garage AND help you assemble the baby so you can quilt tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see it all set up and the quilts that come from it!

quiltmom anna said...

Congratulations on getting your long arm -It will be lots of fun experimenting and learning how to drive your new machine. What a beautiful place you will have to work in- I am sure it will be inspiring...

Wooohooo is a great description.

Wendy said...

I'm so excited for you that I'm dancing in my sewing room....LOL not really, you must be itching to get going. Can't wait to see that baby in motion.

Teresa said...

woohoooooo...I'm doing a happy dance for you!!! Can't wait to see it all set up.

Suzy said...

How exciting! May you have many, many hours of quilting enjoyment! :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for go girl!

Julia said...

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This is a fantastic day!! I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see the beautiful quilts that will be quilted on your new machine. As talented as you are they will be gorgeous!

Ruthie said...

Congratulations - how exciting for you!

Needled Mom said...

I am so excited too. I can't wait until your company leaves :)....just kidding. Have a great weekend.

Karrin Hurd said...

I am excited for you Carole, can't wait to see it set up!

Darlene said...

Oh my goodness I'm so excited for you! If it wasn't so hot I'd gladly dance across the desert for you. Instead I'm dancing in my sewing room.

Have fun, fun, fun!


Kim said...

Doing the dance of joy you! I can't help but smile at your happy excitement over this new treasure that is camping out in your garage. No doubt you are going to love this machine. I look forward to seeing all of those quilt tops that you have sewn together in anticipation of this big day, turned into gorgeous quilts.

Anonymous said...

I know the excitement well and can't wait to see it all set up! My longarm will be here Sept 6th. I wanted to wait to get my son off to his first year of college....I figure it will keep my mind busy and not allow me to sulk over his leaving our nest. Keep posting....looks like we are all very excited for you!!

Pam said...

How exciting!!! Today is now Monday -- have you been busy taking it out of the box today? Have FUN!!!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

OH how exciting. I know how you just wanna jump right in and start quilting.

Carin said...

Woo Hoo are you doing the dance of joy?

Libby said...

WooHoo! Congrats - hope you have a blast getting it set up and ready to play *s*

Sweet P said...

Congrats on the new machine! I can't wait to hear how much you like it!

sewprimitive karen said...

Congratulations, will be looking forward to seeing pictures of it!

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