The insanity has ended, for a little while anyway! There was so much going on and to top it off, the renovations! You should see my home, it's a mess! But, no way am I cleaning that part of the house. Today is a reward day. For what you might ask? Well, for the past 5 (five) weeks I have had my nose in school books studying for one of my comprehensive exams. My time was spent at the library. Really, I should have moved my bed there! lol As of yesterday, after a stressful 4 (four) hours, the exam is behind me. Now it's time to work on my sanity!
Guess what was the first thing I did when I got home? I opened a bottle of wine, poured me a class and had some cheese and crackers. Then I headed off to my sewing room! lol

Yep, I got right down to cleaning. Unfortunately, we're not at the stage where I can do a total cleaning and reclaim my space. Stephen has some work to do around the door area of my sewing room.
That didn't stop my need to sit at my machine and quilt. I can manage. So once I finish with this entry, I'm heading right on over, take my machine out of hiding and sew, sew, sew and sew! All in the hopes that I'll have something to show you!
I want to thank everyone for your support and interest. It was such a pleasure to read your comments. It really kept me sane.
Have a great day everyone and thank you for your friendship!
You're filling me with dread for when I have major work done to my house next year.
Love and hugs xxx
It will be nice to see that area looking not so tidy and you feeling much more satisfied.
Happy much more study to do.
I believe I have at last stopped although I am still tempted at times but the cost keeps me closer to my materials. And I have decided it would only be status driven why waste time and money. Spent over half a life time in study and enjoyed it but their are other games to play.
Congratulations on finishing the exam ! What a relief that must be. You deserve many hours of sewing - enjoy it!
Good for you--- Makes it all worth it, doesn't it... Quit reading... get busy and have fun...
Congratulations on taking the exam. I am sure that you did a great job on it!!
How exciting to get back to sewing. Does this mean that the renovation is almost done?
Congrats on the exam and the renovation. Now, I hope you enjoyed your sewing machine.
With the exam behind you and the machine set up you're definitely on your way! Take care. :)
Congrats on completing your exam. Now enjoy a little 'fiber-time' *s*
I am sooo glad that you are back.
Ditto what Julia said, lol, can't wait to see the final reveal!
Congrats on the exam and did you say wine, cheese and crackers?? Oh I know I read that. LOL!!
Now we're waiting to see what you whipped out on the machine.
You must feel a weight has been lifted getting that exam behind you. Now you can relax and get that sewing machine running. I'll be there for some wine and cheese.
Yay, you're back! And soon we'll be seeing quilting wonders from you -- yipee!
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