Today I will share with you my Raviolli squares. Some of you have inquired as to what they were. I'll be the first to admit, I didn't know anything about them myself. That is, until I received a stack as a gift from Sarah. All part of my Four Season Quilt Swap package.
They are 5 (five) inch Batik squares. The bundle makes a total of 1 yard of various batiks. All unique!
They'll look sweet in a quilt!
I don't know if you've been following Anne Ida's trip to Australia via Rose of Threadbare, but it's certainly worth while to take a peak. And if you did not get a chance to follow Nadine in Norway via May Britt, I invite you to do so. Why am I writing about this you might ask?
My heart is just all warm and fuzzy from the love, kindness and friendship that has occured in cyberspace via Blog Land. When you look at Nadine or Anne Ida, they just radiate joy! My heart just fills with delight when I read about their travel to meet fellow bloggers. There are a lot of kind quilters out there and I have been blessed with their special friendships. I guess I'm getting all mushy! lol I don't know, I've just been thinking way to much lately! lol No, no group hugs please! lol
Aren't those mitten just so sweet? The design is an old Icelandic pattern. I just love them! 100% wool, they will be warm not to mention that I'll be styling!
The card is just so pretty! The costume that the lady is wearing is an Icelandic costume that Guðrún would like to own. It's absolutly beautiful!
She included various types of Lakkris. I was hooked on Freyju Djupur Sukkulaoihjupaour Lakkris, that is until she sent Noa Lakkris sprengjur. Now I have 2 (two) addictions! lol Let me tell you, I ate a few before taking the picture! lol
Today I did make the machine quilting template for the Sherbert quilt for the setting triangles. After I get those done, the rest of the quilt should be a breeze to machine quilt.
I do hope you are all having a wonderful day! Thank you for stopping buy!
oh those mittens are the best! just gorgeous! okay, a ravioli quilt and a sherbet quilt.......... I sense a trend here! Are we hungry?
Your right in how kind quilters can be especially blog quilters. I've seen the girls meeting up and it does look like they are having a great time and making special friendships. The goodies you received look delicious, enjoy the warm mittens.
Love those mittens. They are very pretty. And the candy sounds yummy. Are ya gonna share??HUH??
I love that fabric - my problem is I never want to cut into it - I love just looking at it - doesn't get much accomplished though :)
Such nice gifts. Those batik squares look luscious!
I must whole-heartedly agree that blogging friends are the best *S*
Those mittens are just gorgeous!
This fabric is so special. I am glad that you enjoy our "Lakkrís" as I probably have told you it is the best in the world *LOL*
What pretty gifties you received! The ravioli quilt has my attention:-)!
Quilters are a great bunch of people. I love those mittens. They will be nice and warm when the snow is falling.
The Ravioli squares are pretty. Enjoy using them.
I agree the love and positive things in blog land are nice. My hope is that they inspire others. Love the Batik squares. It will be interesting to see how you end up using them.
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