Sadly they did not have my favourite character, Harry Potter. So I had to settle for second best, Spongebob Square pants. I love Spongebob!
Hum.... I also noticed that these do not glow in the dark. Bummer! My previous kind did. Geeez, now I wont be able to make a statement in low light! ROLF
So, I'm now prepared for future booboos! And if you don't like my bandaid, you can borrow Stephen's. He has the borring kind! lol
I just love it! So bright and cheerful. Thank you again Sarah for the delicious quilt.
The picture is a tad over exposed. Stephen bought a new camera and I'm still learning how to use it. Remember, I'm an old fashion B&W girl! ;o) She used some gorgeous batiks!
Sarah also included a tin of chocolate, which is all gone, and some ravioli Squares (batik squares). I plan on using the raviolis in a class I will be taking with the guild in March called, Stash Box. I cannot wait!
Hum.... Blogger must have fixed whatever it was that caused my inability to view photos! Yahooooo!
I'm off to do a bit of quilting! Gotta finish that Sherbert quilt!
Hi Carole
I'm glad you're feeling better and that you like the quilt!
I LOVE your swap quilt and the quilting is perfect for this quilt.
The colors is what makes this quilt for me
just fun!
Lucky you. The bandaids...well I agree with you we always buy fun bandaids!
love the miss kitty bandaids around here :)
I buy socks with motifs and colors, that is how I make a statement! Your quilt is brilliant, it is so unusual and so special, lucky you.
Glad you are feeling better! What a fun swap quilt.
oh that four seasons quilt is sooooo CUTE! come on over when you have a boo boo, I'll share my waterproof Ratatoulie band aids with you. not sure I spelled it right, but you know what I mean!
Great quilt! DGS Owen loves Spongebob so I watch with him. It cracks me up.
What a cute quilt. Love it!!! Love those Spongebob Square pants bandaids! I will never forget the first time my sister said that name and I said what the heck are you talking about??? I had no small kids at home and didn't have a clue. LOL!!!
The four seasons swap quilt is fantastic, love-love-love it! I hope you don't need to use 'Sponge Bobs' anytime soon!
Pretty four seasons swap quilt! I like fun bandaids too, but my hubby, hmmmm, dislikes pulling out spiderman bandaids? why?? Hope you are feeling better...
Yes I always thought it funny that my kids wore band aids like fashion accessories!
Your swap quilt is so lovley, how lucky were you!!!
LOL that's too funny about the band-aids! I love that swap quilt--very cute! I have never heard of ravioli squares! I've learned something new :)
Your swap quilt is wonderful - who can resist a nice tall pine *s*
p.s. my favorite Band-Aids are Winnie the Pooh. I try to make sure I always have a box on hand.
I think you will be quite fashionable sporting your SpongeBob bandaids....lol
Love your litte quilt and I'm happy that you're feeling better. :)
The quilt is adorable! LOVE the bandages as well. We have all sorts of fun ones in our house -- then again, we have a 2 yo who seems to think that a band-aid will cure all hurts :0). Oh, for that kind of faith in the magic of bandaids again :0).
gorgeous quilt! lucky you!
Seems you were spoilt, too ! :>)
How cute !.... Not toforget yummy chocolates, HeeHee....
I just love that "ravioli" squares name, are they a particular size ? Tell me, tell me what you're gonna do with them, I'm sooo curious ! (and I love ravioli)
Hugs & smiles to you, dear !
What a cute little quilt to cheer up any winter day. Like Stephan, I'm really boring ...plain jane bandaids for me. I didn't know they had winnie the pooh...that would be different.
I love fun bandaids too! I usually got for Pooh!
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