Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm off again!

This time we are headed to Landenburg, PA.

Stephen's best friends live in Pennsylvania. I have always liked going there. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind moving there. The country side is beautiful and well, the Amish atmosphere is so relaxing. The horse and buggies are a reminded for me to slow down!

While Stephen will be jamming with the members of his band Interview, making lots of music, I'll be getting lost in Lancaster! Oh...... I cannot wait!

I have a couple of shops in Intercourse that I like to visit, The Old Country Store and Zook's Dry Goods. I was thinking of heading out to Denver and visit Sauders. I'll see how much time I have. I'm just thrilled to be able to get lost in Amish country!

After my expedition, it will be time to celebrate. They have planned a dinner for the spouses. Let me tell you, they know how to entertain! There is nothing more enjoyable than good food, good wine and good company. The guys are all great cooks. When they're together in the kitchen it's quite entertaining to watch them!

I will remember to bring my camera!

Have a great weekend everyone! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and see what I've been up to!


Red Geranium Cottage said...

Carole-have a great time on your trip. Take lots of pictures for us to see. Who knows I might want to go there this year.

antique quilter said...

Have fun!
I was just down there I posted about it on my blog the other day!
Sauders is having a big truck load sale you might want to take advantage of. My favorite store this time was Burkholders fabrics
its on the way to Sauders.
here is the link
check it out!
well worth the trip.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

That sounds like a fab trip and a great party! Have a good time!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you, a trip through Amish country. Like Sharon said loads of photo's for us all to drool over.

Meredith said...

Have fun, I live in New Jersey not far from there -you can do major spending damage -$$$$. Enjoy the time there with friends and ofcourse the shops.

Unknown said...

I hope you will have a great time and will share with us when you come back home.

Janet said...

Hi Carole: Can't wait to see your pictures - what a wonderful time you must be having! Am enjoying going through your older posts - interesting comments on tidiness - until a few days ago my patterns and pattern books were strewn over two rooms - I took time to organise them into one bookshelf here in the kitchen/studio and my creative juices are now flowing!
Janet in snowy and sunny coastal Nova Scotia

Cheryl said...

Can't wait to hear all about your trip and the treasures you found!
Happy New Year to you!

atet said...

Have a great time in PA! Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday season and that you are getting rested before the new semester starts. May the new year bring you much love, joy and some time to do some stitching!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Can't wait to see your photos and the treasure trove of goodies that you're sure to bring back home. Thanks for the goodies from YOU, I received them on Saturday! You're wonderful, Carole; Happy New Year!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh have fun! I love that area too!

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