I truly enjoy driving in Pennsylvania! It is so relaxing! Some areas can be quite stunning!

I was reading an article in the Amish Country News that the Amish people are perhaps the most photograph ethnic group. Interesting! I would never think of going up to one and saying "Hey, can I have my photograph taken with you?" lol I can certainly understand how difficult it would be for some people to comprehend the Amish lifestyle, perhaps even assuming that this was all part of tourism.

Bonus for me, they were having a 10% off on all items in the store.
If that wasn't enough, they were having a Year End Warehouse sale. You could actually buy bolts of fabrics anywhere from $1.75 to $2.80 a yard. They mainly had B&P Textile, VIP and Kona cottons on bolts.

Sauder's had a wide selection of fabrics from Modas, Kaufman to VIP etc. Lots of discounted fabrics.
Word of advice, when you look at their plain cotton fabrics, you must be careful to read the label on the bolt. They do have poly/cotton blends intermixed with their Kona cottons.
My next stop!

Amazingly, Zook's had a bit of festive decorating on the outside. However, the inside is not decorated at all.
One thing about Amish fabric stores in PA, they are not cute or decorated with the latest fad. The shops I visited were all very plain, functional and clean. They do not have "displays". Everything they sell is neatly laid out.
Their fabrics are much cheaper then any of your "standard" quilts shops. I would say that they tend to price their fabrics approximately 25% less then other stores. This would also apply to notions.
I did not take any pictures of the inside of Sauder or Zook's Dry Goods because there wasn't anything to show. Both places have a huge inventory of fabrics neatly laid out.
In another post I will write more about Intercourse. It's a wonderful little town!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the New Year bring you all that your heart desires or better!
Thank you for stopping by!
Isn't it just the best place to go fabric shopping?
I always have a sense of peace when I drive around that part of Pa as well.
Beautiful scenery...
I love going to Amish country. The fabric prices can't be beat. They also have great, simple food. That's how I get DH to go with me since the fabric interests him not at all. :cD
Do I envy you! I have been to the areas you mention numerous times and just today I was telling a friend how I would like to just get in my car and drive the back roads. I find the area peaceful. Have you ever been to Goods Department Store? Judy from Ontario
Sounds fantastic! I'd love to see that part of the country- maybe one day..
I wish I had been with you in those shops, it must be fantastic to be able to shop in those places and at the price you are talking about, here the meter is around USD 20, but one meter is little over a yard.
We visited out there several years ago, it was before I was quilting so I didn't stop at the quilt shops. Here is SW Indiana there are Amish people as well. One quilt shop is owned by an Amish lady. I have great respect for their work ethic. Happy New Year, Carole.
Hi Carole, and Happy New Year! I'm gradually getting caught up on my blog reading.
Some day I hope to visit these two shops. In the meantime they get lots of my money online - Z&S is my most favorite place to shop for fabric. And I visit it WAY too often LOL!
I hoping to get there someday. Happy New Year....glad you had a good trip!
Oh it sounds like a great trip . . . can't wait to hear more *s* Happy New Year!
I love to see the Amish and the buggys. I am so intrigued by them. The Menonites are in the area where my parents live in Missouri and you often see the buggy's. My dad grow blackberries and give to them and in return they give him jams they make.
Glad to had a nice trip.
Happy New Year to you.
Happy New Year. I am glad you enjoyed your trip. I went a few years ago and still have fabric I bought from that trip. I bought so much :).Looking forward to see what you create in 2008.
What a lovely trip and it looks like you had beautiful weather (although cold I am sure).
I hope you will show us what you bought too! I wish we had such prices over here (but then where would I put all that fabric?!).
Nice to hear you had a nice time among the fascinating Amish. Take care.
Happy New Year!
Nice to hear you had a good trip. At those kind of prices did you buy lots of bolts?
I notice you make no mention of the "bathroom" at Sauder's . . . .
n, np
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