Our guild, The Champlain Valley Quilter's Guild of New York, is having a show on October 6-7, 2007 and I have decided to enter some of my quilts. Of course Pat really made it easy for all of us by taking pictures during show and tell and handing members a copy of the submission form with a photo of the quilts we presented! So there are 3 (three) quilts that I will be entering that the guild has seen and another 3 (three) that they have not! This involves getting labels done and putting on sleeves. So that's how I've spent my Saturday.
I am so comfortable with this software that it's getting scary! No I won't digitize my picture and send you a bag with my face one it! lol
My friend Cheryl from Oz even suggested jokingly that I digitize Leanne's hand embroidery blocks from a Quilter's Journey and have my machine do it for me. ROFL
Hey, of course NOT!!!! But you get an idea how comfortable I am with it! lol
And for those of you who are curious as to how our cherry tomato plant on steroids is doing
Just this morning DD was saying how she can pick tomatoes from her bedroom window! I don't know, are we beating a record or what? I have to admit it is the first year that it's been that prolific! Even the tomato plant on the right is doing extremely well!
The amount of fresh tomatoes we have this year is phenomenal! Stephen is presently making a big batch of chili with fresh tomatoes.
I hope you are having a wonderful quilty day. I'm off to get more labels designed for my quilts!
Have a great day every one!
Its fun to put quilts in shows. I have not seen a tomato plant get that tall. What is in the dirt there? Is this your version of Jack and the bean stalk? Have a good day.
Ah - but soon you'll be able to harvest right from that 2nd story window *S*
Tomatoes are one amazing thing you have, but the gingerbread on the eaves is something to behold! Great photo!
I don't know much about digitizing software, but somehow it seems almost wrong to digitize Leanne's patterns.
Your tomato plant is incredible. How did that happen?
I love seeing the photo of your house, it's sooooo pretty with the red bricks and white windows. Getting the quilts finished up is such a rewarding feeling and then having them displayed in the quilt show will be so nice.
That's one scary tomato vine! :)
Good for you, not doing school work! Sometimes you just have to do something fun. Having your quilts in the show will also be fun--and what a good idea for your guild member to take photos of show and tell quilts! That DOES make it much easier! Your tomato plant reminds me of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! LOL!
I'm glad you're having fun. Love the tomato plant...lol
I wish I was more comfortable with my embroidery software...it intimidates me. Very nice label!
It would be nice if you would share some pictures from the show when it´s over! I like your house :)
You are just braggin about those tomatoes aren't you? LOL I picked up 25 jars of canned tomatoes at my parents house last week. My dad had so many tomatoes that they couldn't even eat all of them. I took a ton to my son in Indiana. We still couldn't eat all of them before we left.
Love your house. Very cute.
Ok, that tomatoe plant is getting to be just plain scary! But yummmy -- chili with fresh tomatoes! (love the quilt labels too!)
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