Like many of you, I mulled over what to do with all my scraps. The bin was over flowing with fabric. Although I have been known to visit my scrap bin for certain fabric pieces, I am not much of a scrap quilt maker.
Spring 2006, I was at The Quilted Crow and they had a demonstration on rug braiding. I had one of those light bulb moments regarding my scrap bin. What if I introduced my friend Patty to rug braiding? A brilliant idea! So I bought the book.
I proceeded to make a huge bag of strips in preparation for my new plan. When Patty and I got together I asked her if she would be interested in learning to braid rag rugs. She was ecstatic! I showed her the book and she was sold in no time. Hurray, I have found a home for my scraps!
I should mention that Patty enjoys crafting. What I mean is that she knits and also likes making things with her hands, like soaps etc.... There's something about the word crafting that conjures up images of plastic canvas needle work tissue box covers etc..... I really do not like using that word! Patty does beautiful work!
Once the frame was done, Patty came over and we proceeded to learn braiding.
Usually my daughter is in bed by the time Patty comes over, but last night she was still up. She came down to look at the rug and proceeded to point out the various fabrics that were in her quilts! I just think that is so cute!
It's really a wonderful hobby! It requires very little concentration.
The book is calls Rugs from Rags and is by Country Threads. They do have a DVD that demonstrates how it is done. I have not seen the DVD nor was I aware of it until I did a search. Patty and I figured it out from the pictures in the book.
Stephen will be making another frame. Not that I need another hobby but, perhaps I can get him to be productive while he watches TV! ROFL Patty is just not keeping up with my scraps! lol
So, how do you organize/control you scrap bin? You get your friends into the hobby of rag braiding! What are friends for hey..........? lol
Have a great day every one! Thank you so much for stopping by!
did i mention we will be working on my charity stash tomorrow?? hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Since your friend makes soap, can you find out where she gets her Lye?
What a great idea! I saw the ladies from Country Threads doing a demo when I was at the Chicago Quilt Festival last year.
Thank you for adding a new chapter to my book. I need to get this whole thing organized. LOL After it's published we'll have to set up a book signing. ROFLOL
BTW, I don't care for the word crafting either - yes it does conjure up plastic canvas and such in my mind, as well. LOL
What a great idea to use up those scraps and you lucky girl having a hubby that can make you the frame.
I avoid the word crafting at all
oh my -I had to - I really had to order the book. We have a bunch of lumber in the garage and I need some rugs in the mud room and by the sink. Are they washable???? Oh please say yes, because then I'll need bathroom ones too- hubby's going to kill me -lol
OH!!! I have one of those frames. I've had it for at least 6 years. My hubby made it for me after my friend bought one from the Country Threads gals. I've yet to use the damn thing. I need to get that out cause you know I need another project. Yes I do not have enough going on right now.Thanks for reminding me about that.
Waaaaaay back in the late 70s, I made a frame and wove placemats with heavy yarn--I bet the scraps would work similarly. I haven't done the braiding method though. Maybe I need that book! How much better is it to find a way to use scraps rather than pay a fortunate to BUY rugs in the size I want! Thanks for the idea!
Marvelous! And a great way to use your scraps. I have the book - but have done nothing with it. I just keep making more and more string and crumb blocks . . . . I sure wish I could find someone to take the rest off my hands and make charity quilts of them. I just can't bear to think of them being thrown away - because they can become so many wonderful things. Like rugs!
I hope Patty is going to braid you a rug in exchange for the frame.
Great idea, making the frame out of memorabilia! I'd love a rug from my scraps........maybe I'll look for that book as well. (as if I need another addiction! :>)
I actually HAVE that book, I'm going to give it another look; haven't ever done one of these but I would love to. My grandmother had braided rugs everywhere that she and her sister made; they were made from strips of wool. The two of them had a constant supply, too; as my great uncle was the plant manager at a woolen mill and the strips were the mill "ends" as they called them that were unusable for little else. Oh, what gorgeous rugs those were, I don't have one but can recall the vibrant colors now and the way they felt under my bare feet! Great post, Carole!
Oh wonderful! I always thought about learning how to do that - but I don't have time now for anything - I doubt I would have time for that! Very cool!
This is a great way to use the scraps.
this looks like lots of fun, and a great way to use up strips, without having to trim them up to a certain size!
I will look out for that book!
The rug braiding is completely wonderful!!!
Very, very nice Carole! I have tried crocheting fabric strips, but only one complete project many years ago.
Wow, Carole! I am so impressed, not only by the fact you went to The Quilted Crow (I love their website!), but the frame hubby made and the rug itself!! Pure genius, I would say!!
I don't care for the word 'crafting', either - it conjures up creatures with wiggly eyes! No thank you!! LOL!!
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