Saturday, September 29, 2007

The barn!

Thank you so much for your encouragement and thoughtfulness. I'm feeling much better! Today will be spent at a soccer tournament watching my daughter play. It is a beautiful Autumn day and should be a pleasant sit in the sun. I am bringing some hand applique but knowing myself, unless I sit in a corner away from every one, I'll just be chatting with the parents and cheering my baby on! lol As most of you know by now, I can yack! lol

Given that I don't have much quilty things going on, I thought I would share with you the barn.

Tah, dah......

Dad and my brother came down last weekend to put the tin roof on. Stephen had been busy getting the cupola constructed and ready to assembled.

They worked all day Saturday and in the morning on Sunday. Afterwards, they all went sailing on Lake Champlain! A treat well deserved after all their hard work.

Stephen has been busy this week putting the finishing touches. The only thing left to do is to install the doors!

I do like the way he did the windows on each side. The glass panes came from a couple of original windows from our home that were replaced last year.

As for the weather vane, I had originally picked a witch on a broom. Unfortunately, the way it was mounted would not have worked with the cupola.
Since I love anything celestial, a sun, moon and star worked just as well.

There you have it, our barn! It is certainly a nice place for my husband to keep a stash of wood!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day every one!


Juliann in WA said...

Your barn is lovely - especially the weathervane. Enjoy your afternoon and some great fall weather.

CONNIE W said...

Carole, Love that barn! Now is hubby going to use it for real barn use or do you get to make it into a quilt studio? Either way it's marvelous.

Anonymous said...

Your barn is wonderful! Hope you enjoyed your day outside with your daughter.

Unknown said...

Great work they have done there. Glad you are feeling better.

Kim said...

The barn looks GREAT! So what's going to be put in it?

Darlene said...

Love the barn - WOW! The weathervane is perfect.

I hope you enjoyed your day with your DD and relaxed a bit!


Sweet P said...

I'm glad you're better. Your barn is great. Everyone did a wonderful job on it. Did you enjoy the soccer tournament?

Anonymous said...

Love the barn!! Wish I had room for one.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

It's lovely, I adore the red tin roof!

Jeanne said...

The barn is looking great! How about a quilty design on it like Bonnie Hunter shows in her blog? :-)

swooze said...

The barn is neat! Will you paint a quilt on it? :D

Nan said...

What a beautiful barn! The weathervane is perfect! Thanks for sharing - I was wondering how it was coming along.

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