When the box came I automatically thought it was for my favourite brother; he has been ordering on line quite a bit as of late. No, the name on the box was clearly mine!
So I opened it!
Oh, and the workwomanship is amazing. My very own charm square table topper! And made by such a beautiful and generous soul!
So I summoned Stephen and DD to come look at this beautiful gift. DH said "Wow, this is from a friend on Blog Land, nice!" and of course DD hoooooud and awwwwed and said "can I have the pincushion?" No way, I'm not sharing. Well, I guess I'm sharing the table topper when it's displayed on my dinning room table! ;o)
The only words that comes to mind are those words so well said from Melanie at Covered Porches and Wooden Screened Doors , "A friend who has never met me and yet shared so generously…there’s a special place in heaven for quilters—definitely."
Thank you so much Darlene. Your surprise came at a time where life just seemed too complicated for my taste! You touched my heart friend!
Life is good and simple!
Keep well my friends on Blog Land and thank you for stopping by. Your friendships mean a lot to me!
Well aren't you the lucky one, what a wonderful package, and it sounds like it arrived at the right time. Yes Darlene sure is a sweetie, and so giving. Enjoy your gifts.
You are definitely loved... If I were given "free rein" in a quilt shop, I'd pick out the same for you... she knows you well...
Incredibly wonderful! You are blessed with great friends. The table topper is absolutely stunning, enjoy!
Isn't that so lovely. Darlene said she was sending it to someone special - so you must be pretty special :)))
Isn't Darlene a generous soul and aren't you a lucky duck!
Aren't blogging friends the best!. That's a wonderful gift from Darlene, she is definitely a special friend.
You are very lucky.
What wonderful gifts. The patterns look awesome and love the chickens.
What a lucky girl you are, Carole! But I know you deserve it--you're a good friend to all of us "imaginary friends" out here in Blogland too! Too bad that Darlene can be such a pain in the you-know-what sometimes! (Of course, I'm just teasing Darlene--we have that friendly bickering thing going on! LOL!) I know I've met some wonderful people here in cyberspace--it's a great community, imaginary or not!
What a nice surprise and it's so pretty. Don't you just love those table toppers? I love making them and using them on my table. That was so nice of Darlene. What a sweetie she is. Love that pincushion too.
Enjoy your gifts. Quilters are some of the most generous people I know.
A perfect surprise . . .quilter really are the best *s*
Both you and Darlene have such big hearts and lovely personalities, and I congratulate both of you and am happy that you both are also my friends. I feel very blessed.
What a wonderful surprise from Dazy Darlene! She is such a generous, loving friend!!
You must be very special for Darlene to have sent you such a lovely box of surprises. Your sewing room looks wonderful and so clean. Happy Anniversary...a few days late.
What a lovely box of treasures from the lovely Darlene! She is a very special lady, isn't she? You must be a very special lady, too, or she wouldn't have sent you such beautiful gifts.
Darlene is such a sweetheart, but then so r u!!! Enjoy ur lovely gifts, she knows u so well and arent chickens the greatest????
What wonderful gifts. You are very lucky.
Kind Regards,
No one deserves it more than you do Carole!
What a wonderful surprise for you! I think this blogland community of quilters is just the best.
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