I did make an attempt Tuesday to work on that 2,112 piece puzzle, the corn and bean block, but had to stop due to fatigue. I'm hoping to pick that one back up again soon. It would be nice to have all the blocks done. I did make the missing pieces and now have the right number of blocks.
Since some of you have been blogging about their garden, I thought I would share my garden with you. Unfortunately, it's sort of being neglected due to the barn. It seems that every year we ignore our vegetable garden due to a project.
The bushes on the right of the chimney are regular tomatoes. Even they are much larger than the ones we have planted in our garden. Dh says that he read some where about the red brick wall being a factor in the growth rate.
They say you shouldn't plant tomatoes in the same spot every year, but is doesn't seem to be a bother. We've been planting cherry tomatoes in that spot for the past five (5) years and we always have an amazing crop.
As you can see from my garden, I do not have a decorating gene in me. Oh.... how I love the way Melanie from Covered Porches decorates her garden.
It has some beautiful table toppers that are a combination of cotton fabric and wool applique. Others are made of wool only. I love the one on the cover, which is cotton with wool applique! I thought they would be great projects to work on in September. With school starting, I wanted projects that were not too time consuming, offering somewhat of a quick gratification.
I did buy some other stuff but I cannot show you. It's a surprise! lol
Well, I shall let you go to take a dip in the pool! It's a hot one today! There's nothing like water to cool you off!
Have a great day every one! Keep Kool!
So glad you are back after your Big Read. The tomato plants must be very happy in their spot. I think your garden looks good!
Goodness, I was starting to think you were the slowest Harry Potter reader in the WORLD! Glad to see you finally made it back to Blogland! LOL! So are you telling us that you actually CAN judge a book by it's cover? Because I think that quilt on the cover of your new book looks pretty excellent too!
Take it easy. Stay cool and relax with you lovely new book. Don't over do things :-)
Welcome back from Potterland abyss. LOL
Nice to 'see' you!
My money says your garden probably will produce more food.... My DH always says he's glad we don't have to depend on my garden for food, because "pretty" doesn't necessarily taste good or "Fill your belly". Love the cherry tomato plant. Let me know what you think of the book, I've been "eyeing" it for a while.... Great minds run together....
My daughter is devouring Harry now. Keep cool, it's not hot where I am right now.
Your garden looks great - we plant our tomatoes in the same spot year after year (except for a miserable failure last year) we always have great results from that little patch of dirt *s*
Oh sure, show your big gigantic tomatoes. LOL!!! And of course you need a LADDER to pick yours. I can get on my knees and pick mine. Haaaaa
I love that new book you bought.It's a great one.
Glad your done reading that darn book and getting back to us cause we all felt neglected. :-)
My pear tomatoes are HUGE, but the Romas growing right next to them are the smallest that they have ever been. I can't figure it out.
BTW, I think your garden looks GREAT!
Those tomatoe plants are HUGE. Are you sure it's not a nuclear reaction? Never mind me, I'm just jealous about all the good fresh veggies you're going to have! I stayed up way too late reading Harry Potter too -- but well worth it!
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