Dh went to the Doctors a couple of weeks ago and was informed that his cholesterol was way too high. He was given three (3) months to lower it or he will be placed on medication. The Dr suggested that he follows the South Beach Diet. So, I have given up my pasta, bread, wine and chocolate, all my favourites. sigh!
I will admit, I do not feel hungry. I have been eating to my satisfaction. Whether I'm loosing weight, I have not a clue. Scales are against my religion! lol The only way I could tell would be to try on a pair of jeans and it's not happening in this weather. The weather this week has been beautiful and hot. The pool and a/c has come in handy.
I forgot to mention that Saturday I attended a software class on digitizing at Strawberry & Rhubarb. Gosh, did I learn a lot. I'm still in aw with this Bernina Designer Plus software. The possibilities are endless.
I fell in love with Simply Vintage when I received a newsletter from The Quilted Crow . Their new BOM is the quilt on the cover. Gosh it was hard to turn down. I mulled over the idea of starting another hand applique bed quilt. Quite frankly, it did not make sense to commit to such a huge project given that my Baltimore Cousin sits, patiently waiting for me to pick it up again. And of course there are other numerous hand applique projects that still need some attention. Sigh, so many wonderful projects to make and so little time. It's always a question of "Do I hand applique or do I quilt using my machine". Sometimes the answer is obvious and at other times, not so.
In the book, there is a pattern for wool strawberry pincushions. I may yet tackle a pincushion!
There are so many projects that I cannot wait to start. Focus Carole, focus! lol
I plan to use strictly fabric from my stash to make this quilt. They provide fabric swatches from their Renewal line. I'm thinking that I may be able to use them in the quilt.
Aside from wanting to quilt, the barn raising has been on my "to do" list. The date has been set for the weekend of August 11, 2007. Should everything fall into place, we will have lots of people. A massive sleep over is what it will be! I think our yard will be turned into a campground. It should be fun!
I'm off to get my day started. Have a great day every one! Thanks for stopping by!
Your barn raising sounds like a lot of fun! And a lot of work! I looked at that Awakening pattern at the quilt shop too, but I left it there--for now. Like you, I have plenty of projects to choose from here already. I'm really getting antsy to finish quilting the one I'm working on so I can do something different. Enjoy the weekend, and I hope you find a little motivation--or chocolate! LOL!
Oh, I want to come to the barn raising. But... I want to sit on the side with my quilting. LOL
The to do list is oh so long and yet I want more.
Do I hand applique, do I embroider, do I sew, do I ????? - it's a challenge every day. LOL
Simply Vintage is the BOM that my Sweetie ordered for my birthday and yes from The Quilted Crow. There was confusion and the wrong one was sent. :-( It's all been corrected now - woohoo! psst - there is one spot left.
Maybe this will motivate me to get back to Country Cousins - let get back to it together!
Oh how hard it is to resist starting a new project...we are strong women! I bought the pattern Awakening and tried out the block....I failed miserably. Let me know when you tackle this and I might try again. Simply Vintage looks tempting...no...no
I hope you are energized and full of motivation soon. I've been feeling the same here and I'm not on the South Beach Diet. Maybe it's the dog days of summer a tad early.
Nothing like a sale at the quilt shop *s*
I love both those patterns Carole. You know some chocolate would solve all you problems, don't you? You will need to regain your strength before the barn raising.
Crap! I had a bad couple days at work, so I made a quick swing by the quilt shop on my way home today thinking it would cheer me up for the weekend. I also needed some interfacing stuff for a purse. And guess what hopped right on into my bag? That darn Awakening pattern! Grrrr! See what I said up there at the top of the comments page about 12 hours ago? Boy, that's some willpower you have there, Kim! Sheesh!
It is hard to get motivated in the summer, it's hot and sunny, and if I'm inside I feel guilty that I should be outside in the sun because it will be raining soon - LOL.
The is a really great quilt - how big is it? It is a great pattern for a scrappy quilt.
I would love to come to a barn raising. That sounds sooo cool. I love barns.
The new book looks great. I'll have to check it out.
I'm incredibley "anti-scale" and my husband weighs himself everyday. I don't believe in making myself unhappy on purpose. I'm like you, if the clothes fit...I can live with it. Great purchases. The nearest quilt shop is 50 miles away. So, I don't get to "wish" very often.
Great patterns Carole!!! what fun a barn raising sounds, might be just the thing to raise the energy levels!!!
I'm currently waiting for that book, on order from the Quilted Crow. Sounds like a fun book.
You must have a will of iron to do without chocolate!
hate diets...goodluck hope the health improves........book looks good....
I love the pattern you gave me so I totally understand you too had to have it. It's on my to do list when I have recovered from my shoulder surgery.
It's so hard to give up the pasta, bread, wine and chocolate, but you feel so much better without it and you can have it SOMEtimes for a treat. As far as WW points, there are very low or zero points breads available now. Lifesaver for me, because I do adore my bread. Love all your project ideas. It's so hard to decide which applique to work on, they are all so delectable.
Have fun with teh barn raising. I have been staying out of the lqs but I do enjoy coming to your blog becuase I get to see your latest purchase. The books looks really cute. I think that I will check out.
A good old fashioned barn-raising? Wow. What fun, can't wait for photos and your post on that one. You gave up wine and chocolate at one time? You are a strong woman! I love, love, love my Bernina designer plus software and realize every time I use it that I'm probably not even scratching the surface of it's capabilities. But, I always have a good time trying...
What a treat! I like very much everything you got. It is very hard focusing on one project at a time for me too. There are so many gorgeous projects out there! I wish you luck with your diet. Take care.
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