My dad left yesterday morning and I had been around my brother in a 31 foot sailboat for two days. I think that warrants a good reason to stay home and sew, wouldn't you think? Not that I didn't enjoy myself.... Oh, and I hear a thunder storm rolling in.......!
Today, I'm taking a break from UFOs. I've decided that I can start a new project every time I finish a UFO and my new project must be finished before I start another one. I'm presently working on the In the Pink Quilt. I have all my pieces cut up and have begun sewing the blocks together.
I'm taking the opportunity to test the Alex Anderson Master Piece thread for piecing. So far I like the way it looks. It buries itself neatly in the fabric. The only draw back I find are the spools. As you can see I use my embroidery gadget to hold it. I don't know if the spool would work well on it's side. I could purchase a smaller spool, but I like to be environmentally conscious!
Bernice II, (my 180E) is acting up. I've been getting the "verify your upper thread" screen. It's not the first time I have that problem. I think she's in need of a good tune up or maybe I just need a new machine, just kidding! I fiddled around with her a bit and so far so good.
Have a great day everyone!
I can understand "me" time. Our social calendar is booked solid for the next several weeks so we decided to stay low key today. We went out for lunch with DS, DIL and her grandparents. Watched baseball and now they are playing Wii while I'm doing redwork in purple.
I hope there is nothing too wrong with your Bernina.
Boy do I understand "me" time - I'm a person who craves "me" time! Sometimes it just feels good to hide away and relax.
New project - woohoo! BTW, Mz Carole, what are your favorite colors?
Lovely colors, so soft.
I love me time too! I just don't get much lately! Congrats on the finish and can't wait to see this quilt together!
I intended to quilt ALL day but ended up only getting a couple hours in before I had to start cooking, then napping, then socializing with my sister-in-law, cooking some more, and eating. Not a bad day by any means, but now I'm ready to get a little more quilting in! Take it easy when you can--with the holiday on a Wednesday this year, it seems like a nice time to just relax.
You think that looks like a messy work space??? Come on over to my place. :-)
Your choice of colors is very nice and your sewing room is not a mess ...
There is nothing I like better than being the only one in the house!
Btw. If you think that's a mess I better not invite you round to my place when I'm sewing. And I sew on the kitchen table!!!
It is a mark of your sanity to know that you need ME time. For me, an INFJ on the Myers-Briggs, there is nothing worse than a week where there is something on the calendar for every night with busy weekends bookending. I'm learning to actually SCHEDULE down time.
Nice colors, too.
Now I 'do' work in a mess! I need to have everything 'right there' so lately I have been sewing closely surrounded by 5 plastic tubs of fabric and assorted bits that won't fit in the tubs. Sometimes I feel like they are watching me.
Hope your 'alone' time was satisfying and productive - those sessions are always fun for me *s*
Where do you buy that thread? Sounds like you chose a good way to spend your holiday.
I haven't tried the Masterpiece yet. I did buy a sample spool of Aurifil to try, though; will do it soon, it arrived in the mail today. I have to schedule "me" time, I know it's necessary for my well-being. A day or two w/o sewing makes me cranky.
Yippee....alone time...we all need that sometimes. I hope yours was very productive, can't wait to see more of the In The Pink quilt.
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