I want to share with you a package that was sent to me all the way from Iceland. If you recall I did not participate in the pincushion exchange, mainly because I'm really not good at making that type of gadget. Guess what I received?

This little beauty was sent to me by
Guðrún. Isn't she just the sweetest? You should see the workmanship, amazing! Without even knowing, she made it using one of my favourite colours, burgundy! Wow, I am just so lucky!
This beautiful pin cushion is now sitting next to Bernice II and is being put to good use.
Would you believe that dd asked if she could have it. Yea, right! I'm not sharing! lol

She also included lots of other little goodies. Candy from Iceland. I did share that with DD and her friends today. I informed them that I couldn't tell them what it was as I cannot read the language. They were game to try and loved it. For those of you who aren't game to try something they have no clue what it is, Perlupukar are sort of like mini M&Ms and the Avaxtapukar are jelly beans.
I kept the blackish package, Djupur, for myself. Hey, I figured that lakkris probably means licorice. Yum, yum one of my favourites! These ones are covered with some sort of chocolate! Bonus! Gosh, keep sending candy and I'll have to post a new picture of me with extra pounds on! lol
There were two (2) beautiful candles, a pattern and some
Sniff tissus. Hey, I'll be styling when I use an Icelandish tissue! Not that I'll want to use them, they're for a special occasion! LOL
I can't wait to make the tablerunner. The pattern is called Bloomin' Runner by
G.E. Designs Iceland!
I love it all!
Thank you Guðrún, you are such a sweetheart! Gosh I'm spoilled!
What a lovely surprise package, and yes you are spoilt, but we all deserve to be spoilt every now and again.
Wow! How lucky are you!
A gift all the way from iceland sounds very exotic and the pincushion is to die for.
The pincushion is stunning. I can certainly understand why you wouldn't share it with DD.
Enjoy the candy. Sounds yummy.
PS - I love the 4 seasons too. I can't imagine living somewhere that doesn't have four seasons.
Darling table runner pattern-- It's my favorite from the gifts... Quilters are the best friends--- no doubt...
The pincushion is gorgeous! You lucky girl, aren't quilters very kind and giving. Enjoy the candy and the pattern.
Oh, great 'fun mail' - WooHoo!
The pincushion is truly beautiful - talented maker. Sit back and enjoy the beauty of the package. There's more in the near future. teehee
What a nice and thoughtful surprise you received! The pincushion is just darling and it looks like she included lots of other favorites for you.
Well you really are spoiled missy aren't you?? How nice of her to send all that to you. You spoiled thing you.
Your pincushion from Gudrun is adorable. I got mine from Alice when I came back from my holiday and it is so beutiful. Will blog it later. This have been a fun exchange.
Aren't you and I both lucky to have the same heart pincushion from Guðrún. She did such a wonderful job on mine. We both entered the pincushion swap and we were the exchange partners. The sweets she sent me had licorice in them and they were a delightful surprise.
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