I label the number on the right front corner with the Crayola marker and use a permanent marker on the back. I can see the number on the front of the block. It did not completely wash out. Where the machine quilting has been done, I cannot see any of the outline.
I went outside, it's sunny today for a change and asked dh, who is still working on his stone wall, if he could see a number on the block. He could not. So I asked him to look for a number 2 (two) on the right hand corner. He still could not see. Then I told him to put his woman eyes on and finally he saw it! LOL He said that once I pointed it out, he was able to see the number but it's very faint. I do want to mention that I stretch the block in order for him to be able to see any marking.
I also see a faint blueish tint where machine quilting has been done. On the right cheek of the cat, I must have made a dot while marking, letting the marker rest a bit.
I asked dh what he sees on the block. He could see the number. I asked if he saw any other marking. He said that he saw the dot on the right cheek.
Dh could also see the number. I asked if he once again saw any other markings and said perhaps the left ear area. I'm stretching the block in order for him to clearly see. He said that the remains of the marker was hidden by the quilting.
The faint bluish line may have been avoided had I been more careful with my marking. The intend of this experiment is to look at various possible scenarios. It become obvious that one should not iron the block; heat sets the marking to a certain extent. One should avoid placing a marked quilt in an area where it will be exposed to extreme heat.
There you have it. Stay tune for the results of further testing.
Thanks for stopping by!
This is all very intresting - thanks for sharing your results.
To put his woman eyes on LOL that was a good one. I will stay tuned.
The saying in our house is "have a girl look".
Yes even with a boy look I can see your numbers.
Thanks for sharing and doing the ground work for us.
By the way, have you got through all those chockies yet?
This is such a great test of the markers. Thanks for sharing all of your results.
At this point, I find the test of your hubby's eyesight the most fascinating part of the experiment! LOL!
LOL...you know, if I asked my husband the same question he wouldn't see any of it! I asked him to look at a quilt layout for me the other day -- he walked into the room and asked where it was. Since it was taking up all of the available floor space in one section of the room, I doubt his vision! Thanks for the info on the markers!
Am watching with great interest! Please send me your mailing address again. I am going to the PO this week and will get the chicken pattern off to you!
I've tagged you for the seven random things game! Vistit my blog to see the rules.
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