The Fat Quarter Shop was having a sale on patterns and fabrics. So I took the opportunity to check out their site. I found two patterns on sale. I just love the Miss Rosie line of patterns and was looking to buy the Lucy in the Sky quilt pattern. Bonus it was on sale! The Bunny Hill Designs was also on sale, so why not! Who can pass up a sale!
Of course I like to take advantage of shipping charges and try my best to bring it to the max of the dollar tier. It makes me feel as though I'm getting my money's worth in shipping charges! ;o) So I looked around for a book I had seen on Darlene's blog (she has such great taste) called Comfort & Joy by Acorn Quilt & Gift Company. What a beautiful book it is. I can certainly see myself making quite a few quilts from that book! Great, just what I need, more distraction! lol The beauty about this book is that I can actually use fabric from my stash!
I'm hoping to start all of these projects before I listen to my Stephen Covey audio book on Focus! LOL
Have a great day every one!
Wow, look at your great treasures! I love it all. Don't you just love "Comfort and Joy"? I'm still carrying it from room to room and can't decide which quilt to do first. I'd love to make at least three of them right NOW! :-)
Mmmm - retail therapy is always good . . . online retail therapy *ahhh* can be done in your jammies. Delighful.
I love the blue and white fabric. I think it will make a nice bag. I have the same approach as you have concerning shipping costs! but somewhere one has to stop or a whole lorry will come along!
I wish you luck with your machine stitching. Take care.
you bought some lovely things. I have been very good for quite a few months and not visiting the Fat Quarter Shop site. After reading your post i might just have a quick look to see what they have :-)
Hey Carole? Not to screw up your well thought out shipping shopping plan or anything, but I've actually had them reduce my shipping charges from what they estimate when they can cram stuff into a smaller priority mail envelope. But of course that's not to say you shouldn't just go ahead and buy whatever you want/need/lust after--you absolutely should! Great stuff, by the way! And I love that blue and white fabric you found!
I have Lucy in the sky pattern. I've seen it made it-- It's gorgeous.
shopping online is fun, u can sit back with a coffee still in ur PJ's and then u get a parcel in the mail!!! i just love that blue and white fabric, it will make a great travel bag!!!!
Love Fqat Quarter Shop - if I can't find something at Z&S Fabrics I can usually find it there. I have to be VERY careful however - it's easy to have a moment of mental insanity where I think I can justify spending at least $200 so I can avoid shipping charges! Between charm packs, jelly rolls, Moda sample tins and stacks of fat quarters tied up with a Moda ribbon I can get into real trouble there.
See -- the problem with reading blogs -- you go to a blog - then you have to click on a few links, then you spend 1/2 hour looking at the sales at the Fat Quarters shop. Then you click on more links - then you buy $125.00 worth of fabric - then you have to go find your credit card! By the time you have finished reading one blog - 2 hours have gone by - LOL
I bought a Amy Butler fat quarter bundle (plus other things) That darn Canadian dollar.
love your weekend travel bag fabric--
i found some in springfield at my weekend trip to my mothers and i hope we set a date to get them made!!
You have a nice set of purchases there Carole. I too clicked on the link - you fabric pusher you - to drool over their items. That blue fabric will make a lovely classy travel bag, and you will be able to find it right away.
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