Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tah, Dah a flimsy....!

As Darlene would call it. I wasn't able to finish it last night, as planned. I ran out of steam! However, I did manage to finish it today and I also ran out of steam! lol I cannot stand for long periods of time and must often take rest breaks. I keep forgetting or would that be ignoring the fact that it's barely been a week since I've had major surgery.

This is it! The completed hand applique quilt My Favorite Things - Cabin Fever Designs by Robyn Pandolph. I started this quilt in the Spring of 2001. The original border called for a 4 1/2 inch strip, but I preferred to make it a bit wider and added a 6 1/2 inch border. It will drape a twin size much better.

I haven't decided how I will machine quilt this project. I'll sleep on it tonight. Tomorrow I will proceed to sandwich the quilt and perhaps start machine quilting it. I'm hoping to complete this quilt before my time comes up as UFO Queen. Wish me energy! lol

I'm off to catch some zzzzzz.


Darlene said...

Carole, it's stunning - simply stunning! That pink border fabric from the Folk Art Wedding line will always be a favorite!

Wendy said...

Oh what a cute quilt, you did a great job! Does this quilt have a home? Will it be a wallhanging. Glad to see you have some energy back.

swooze said...

That is so pretty! I know you can get it done. Slow and easy. You have plenty of time! Your health comes first.

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty Carole. Now take it easy with the pinning, lots of rests. There's always the next day.

Kim said...

That turned out really cute, Carole! I remember after having my first C-section being surprised at how quickly I'd wear out and not being able to stand for long. Keep taking it easy and before you know it, you'll be feeling more yourself. At least with the machine quilting, you can work on your quilt sitting down. Occasional naps are good too! LOL!

Leigh said...

Darlene took the words right out of my mouth.
So pretty!!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

What a super quilt. I just love the colours! Wishing you lots and lots of cyber energy!

Chookyblue...... said...

Stop....slow down you need to be reading magazines and resting....been there done that with major op's several times....don't over do it...otherwise it takes longer to the top...very nice colours...take care........

CONNIE W said...

It's gorgeous! Don't forget to continue to pamper yourself in the meanwhile. That's a lovely quilt project and you've done such a beautiful job with it.

Valerie said...

Oooooh so cute!!! I love this project here of yours! I am just delving into applique, so you've given me something to aspire to! :)

Unknown said...

This appliqué quilt is just so cute. You did a great job and that after a major operation. Don´t forget to rest though, the flimsy won´t run away! Take care.

Anne Heidi said...

Such a cute quilt! I love all the appique :) Remember to rest some and take care of yourself!

Pam said...

Very pretty quilt. Are the favourite things from the song? Of course now I am busy singing the song - what I can remember of it -LOL

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I just love it, Carole. Can't get enough of Pandolph's designs. . . .

Sweet P said...

What a beautiful flimsy. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is beautiful. You do nice applique. I'm the buttonhole queen myself. I wish I could do applique but it's just for me. Guess I just need to have patience huh?

Hanne said...

What a lovely quilt top - and the Country Cousin block is gorgeous too :-)

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