Hi Carole, I tagged you to share your "to do" list. I hope you will do it but if your not interested no problem. I couldnt figure out how to e-mail you and let you know. Sharon
I'm originally from Montréal, Québec. Creativity and curiosity is a huge part of my life. I have a Master of Arts in the History and Philosophy of Religion! I'm presently working on a second graduate degree, this time in Clinical Mental Health. I closed my quilt shoppe, Fibre Junction, to start a new life chapter. It was eight wonderful years of indulging in my passion for quilting and education. It is now time to start a new adventure. Will you join me?
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What an adorable daughter, Carole. Happy Birthday wishes to her!
Happy Birthday - enjoy *s*
Happy Birthday! I love the last photo - it's adorable.
Double figures! They grow up sooooooo fast. Happy birthday.
Neat picture timeline. Children are a blessing!
Hi Carole,
I tagged you to share your "to do" list. I hope you will do it but if your not interested no problem. I couldnt figure out how to e-mail you and let you know.
Aah, what a sweetie pie! Happy Birthday!
She's just a year older than my sweet GD Abby and your sweetie pie even reminds me of Abby. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Oh, your daughter is beautiful.
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