What a production the U.S. Postal service is becoming. Now, it's not only a matter of size and weight but flexibility. So Diane, my wonderful mail clerk, goes around bending my envelops! She's really great, always telling me what is the best way to mail something. So now, when I mail to Oz, I keep using Global but anywhere else, use Air Mail international. Gosh, pretty soon I'll be all trained to work at the post office. lol I also took the opportunity to mail a card and an FQ to Lucy. If you haven't checked out Bonnie's blog, please have a peak. Perhaps you will want to join in on the squishie shower.
Tah, dah........
I have completed the Against the Grain quilt, machine quilted, sleeve and all. I'm pleased to have that project out of the way.
As you can see, I'm still working on My Favorite Quilt. I have the borders left to machine quilt. I'm thinking of putting a feather pattern. This will involve marking the quilt. I'm not at a level of expertise yet where I can freehand feathers. I'm still somewhat limited as to what I can do freehand. I suppose as I keep practicing it will all fall into place.
The Stone Wall
I wanted to show you Stephen's project. When he decides to do something, it's never simple and involves lots of labor. He's been getting up in the early morning hours to work on his wall before heading to his day job. I will say, the wall looks great. Our home has a stone foundation so I suppose we're keeping with the style of the house. What a production it was for him to hand pick the stones. When he saw a pile of field stones, he'd stop at a farmer's house and ask if he could have the field stones for his wall. DD went with him on a few occasions to pick stones. DH has decided that keeping a stash is a good thing. Being a woodworker/craftsman he likes the idea of having his own stash of wood to choose from. The barn will have two floors and will also house the riding lawn mower and snow blower. For those curious minds, we are not farmers. Dh is a software engineer. We just happen to live in the country.
I'm off to attempt to finish machine quilting the quilt in an air conditioned room It's really hot and humid today, 92F (33C).
Have a great day everyone! Stay kool!
Love your Against the Grain quilt--it turned out really nice! I'm looking forward to seeing My Favorite Thing done soon too. Enjoy your sewing time!
Your Against the Grain quilt looks beautiful, and your DH stonewall will be great.
Carole congrats on the finish, love the against the grain, but absoloutely love what I can see of your favorite things quilt. Glad your feeling well enough to sew again.
Hi Carole, I'm catching up on some blogs, and it's great to see you back with the program! ;-)
Nice roosters! cute cute, and I understand about the stone wall, your husbands is much more ambitous than ours though!
33 is starting to get warm, and humidity is the pits isn't it. Your weather pixie looks like she has the right idea. Your quilts look fantastic.
What is the thing beside the wall that looks kinda like a grave??? It's got me worried,lol.
Your husband's project looks ambitious -- and kind of fun. Yes, I am weird that way. Your shopping trip sounds like so much fun! And then to come home to lovely gifts in the mail? Quilters really are special people. Love your finish!
My husband would be so jealous. A barn!!!!! He wants to move to the country when we leave Ca. so he to can have a barn. He woodworks too and would love to have a place all his own.
Can't wait to see the finished project.
Your "Against the Grain" quilt is very cute. Sounds like you are feeling much better :))
Your husband's project looks very ambitious. Sounds like it will turn out into a very well constructed barn. What will be on the second floor?
Sounds like something my husband would do - except he searches out quality free firewood - arbutus and maple being his favourite - LOL.
33 degrees does sound hot - it is still fairly cool here - but it didn't rain today!
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