Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vermont Quilt Festival... partie 1

As promised, I will be sharing my experience at the Vermont Quilt Festival. I did not register for any courses this year due to surgery but I did pay their fee to be on the mailing list for 2008. I visited the merchant mall and viewed the three exhibits they had this year. There was the regular quilt exhibit, the Alzheimer Exhibit and an antique quilt exhibit. Pictures were prohibited in the Alzheimer: Forgetting piece by piece gallery, however you may view what was in the exhibit here. It was an extremely touching exhibit. I spent a long day at VQF, with lots of rest in between.

I was taken aback by the amount of raw edge applique quilts that had been entered in the quilt show. Perhaps some will think I'm an applique snob, however, I would have never thought of "raw edge applique" as show quality quilts. Sure they must be fun to make but to me it would be like entering a "paint by number" canvas in an art show. But then again, it hasn't been long since machine quilting has been accepted in quilt shows. So, I guess it's a matter of getting used to the idea. I'm working on it! ;o)

What I will be showing are quilts that I thought were special and that I wanted to share with my friends on Blog Land.

This is quilt C304 and is called Sweet Treats by Denise Lareau from Manchester, NH. It was longarm machine quilted by Nancy Tatro. Now, for my longarm quilting friends, isn't sweet, no pun intended ;o), that she gives credit to who machine quilted it?

This is a raw edge applique quilt. I loved it! It was a fun quilt to look at. I couldn't help but think about copyright and trade mark when I saw her Bazooka and Bubble Gum block. I remember a huge ugly debate on a newsgroup regarding the same issue. Personally, I'm not bothered by the reproduction of the design.

This is C219, Scrap Baskets by Catherine P. Boyle from Pittsburgh, PA. Except for the backing, the quilt is made entirely from scraps. I'm quoting from the Vermont Quilt Festival booklet. I will say, I don't know if I would consider all of that fabric as scrap. Perhaps the basket, but not the background. Perhaps she meant more from my stash. Who knows? I couldn't help but think of Darlene and her love of baskets when I came upon this quilt.

This quilt is C1003 and is entitled You can't make a Silk Purse From a Sow's Ear, SAYS WHO? by Nancy DiDonato, Diamond Point, NY. What an original design. The purses were embellished with beautiful crystals.

C802 Althea's Waltz in the Starlight Ballroom by Judith Heyward from Mt. Pleasant, SC. What a stunning quilt this was. The back was as beautiful as the front.

This will be it for for now. I'll share more of my favourite later.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, June 29, 2007


Well, I did it! I finally finished "My favorite Thing" quilt. Last night I put on a DVD, The Polar Express, and worked on hand sewing the binding until 11:00 p.m. I just love that movie. I was exhausted!

Hurray, I will not get to be UFO Queen. My daughter has already claimed this quilt! She's so funny that way. When ever I make a quilt she'll say "Oh, is this for me?"

Do you see my kitty block? She's missing two (2) eyes. Can someone come over and do two (2) French knots for me? My kitty cannot see very well! No matter how hard I try, my French knots never turn out good. I promise to be a good host!

This is the best I can do for those who like to see the machine quilting. I'm one of those individuals! I find it inspiring. The light sashing has continuous hearts and the border has feathers. The background of the block is meandering and some outlining.

Thank you everyone for your encouragement. It makes working on UFOs so much more fun when I can share my accomplishments with you. You gals are the best!

Today, I spent the day in Essex, Vermont at the Vermont Quilt Festival. I did take some pictures of the quilt exhibit, so tonight I'll attempt to get them organized so that I can give credit where credit is due.

I did buy a few things but not much. My main concern was getting stencils for machine quilting. The major part of my expenditure was on threads. Did I mention that I have fallen in love with the Master Piecing thread by Alex Anderson? I used it on this quilt and absolutely loved it. So I bought more spools at the Superior Thread booth. I haven't used it for piecing yet, which appears to be its specialty. Once I do, I will let you know.

Tomorrow I shall be going sailing for the weekend. It was a tough decision to make; do I want to sail or do I want to quilt? Two of my favourite all time activities. But given that it is summer, I'll sail!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I tried......!!!!!

Honestly I did! I was determined to get the quilt machine quilted yesterday. sigh! My little terror on four (4) paws wouldn't let me. Midnight decided that he was going to make himself comfortable, right next to me! I tried continuing to work, but he made it difficult to move the quilt. If that wasn't enough, he was watching the needle intensely. I became afraid that he might want to try to catch it. He's still a kitten and so playful. He's a riot to watch, especially when he tries to catch flying insects.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's a hot one today!

I've been busy getting things done. I made sure that the mailing of the prizes on my list of "things to do" were included. May Britt and Annie, I have mailed your goodies! I do hope you'll like them.

What a production the U.S. Postal service is becoming. Now, it's not only a matter of size and weight but flexibility. So Diane, my wonderful mail clerk, goes around bending my envelops! She's really great, always telling me what is the best way to mail something. So now, when I mail to Oz, I keep using Global but anywhere else, use Air Mail international. Gosh, pretty soon I'll be all trained to work at the post office. lol I also took the opportunity to mail a card and an FQ to Lucy. If you haven't checked out Bonnie's blog, please have a peak. Perhaps you will want to join in on the squishie shower.

Tah, dah........

I have completed the Against the Grain quilt, machine quilted, sleeve and all. I'm pleased to have that project out of the way.

As you can see, I'm still working on My Favorite Quilt. I have the borders left to machine quilt. I'm thinking of putting a feather pattern. This will involve marking the quilt. I'm not at a level of expertise yet where I can freehand feathers. I'm still somewhat limited as to what I can do freehand. I suppose as I keep practicing it will all fall into place.

The Stone Wall

I wanted to show you Stephen's project. When he decides to do something, it's never simple and involves lots of labor. He's been getting up in the early morning hours to work on his wall before heading to his day job. I will say, the wall looks great. Our home has a stone foundation so I suppose we're keeping with the style of the house. What a production it was for him to hand pick the stones. When he saw a pile of field stones, he'd stop at a farmer's house and ask if he could have the field stones for his wall. DD went with him on a few occasions to pick stones. DH has decided that keeping a stash is a good thing. Being a woodworker/craftsman he likes the idea of having his own stash of wood to choose from. The barn will have two floors and will also house the riding lawn mower and snow blower. For those curious minds, we are not farmers. Dh is a software engineer. We just happen to live in the country.

I'm off to attempt to finish machine quilting the quilt in an air conditioned room It's really hot and humid today, 92F (33C).

Have a great day everyone! Stay kool!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Saturday... surprise!

Saturday I went for some quilting therapy with my blog anniversary prizes in mind. Of course, I cannot show you what I bought. It would ruin the surprise for the winners!

The first place I stopped was at Yankee Pride in Essex. Yankee Pride was my very first experience with a quilt store and I will add that the owner Judy is responsible for my being a quilter. She persuaded me to take her Sampler class after a disaster Carpenter Wheel from hell class that I took at her shop with another person. Judy is an amazing teacher and quilter and I caught the quilting bug from her. She was at the store that day and recognized me! I couldn't believe it. It's been over six (6) years since I last saw her.

There I found the most amazing pattern that May Britt will be getting. Had I not been budget conscious, I would have bought several of the patterns for my friends. But, I did want to curb my spending for this coming Friday. More later....... I also bought some fat quarters.

My next stop was at Strawberry and Rhubarb, the Bernina dealer. I bought some thread and more bobbins for both my Berninas. Yankee Candle Shop was having a special that day so I made a pit stop and bought lots of goodies. Did I ever mention that I'm a candle freak? lol I just love candles!

Afterwards I went to Sew Many Treasures and bought a Amy Butler Fat quarter bundle and some Cherry Jubilee fabric. Darlene, I found some for myself. I had seen some of the collection on Darlene's blog. They only had one bolt of the yellow flowery cherries. I just love that fabric. Hum.... perhaps I should have bought more.

You see how good I was? Didn't spent too much. I was reasonable, too reasonable in my opinion! lol If this wonderful excursion wasn't enough, I came home to this:

A wonderful package from my friend Connie. I couldn't believe what I saw. I must quote Melanie from Covered Porches and Wooden Screened Doors "A friend who has never met me and yet shared so generously…there’s a special place in heaven for quilters—definitely." Connie, you touched my heart! Thank you my friend!

I know I have said it thousands of time, but I am so blessed to have so many wonderful blogging friends. Although we have never met in person, I know that someday we will. You gals are such kindred spirits. You bring tears of joy to my heart! Okay, I have to stop before I start crying! lol

Sunday, June 24, 2007

And the winner is!

This is the container I used for the drawing. I didn't have a fancy hat or a box, so I thought I'd use this. One holiday season I decided I was going to make my own gift boxes. What a production that was! It took me forever to find paper mache boxes the size I needed. I made this one for my spools of hand quilting threads.

So I got DD out of bed and had her brush her hair for the picture. I know, you don't see her head but it was a great excuse! LOL I keep threatening to shave her hair off! So here you have her stirring the pot! I wanted it to be fair and not fixed like some of the other drawings where I didn't win! ROFL ;o)

So DD reached in and draws a piece of paper. You see it's all legitimate. Well, until I read the name on that paper. I couldn't believe it. I started to yell FIX! FIX! This is FIXED! Then it occurred to me that it was my own drawing! So, I checked for a spell that may have been cast on the box. Nope Nada! I was baffled! How come my name didn't come up? Oh, wait I didn't leave myself a comment. Hum.... I tell you that person must have a horse shoe up her you know what! I just couldn't believe it. Next time I'm using my cauldron!

And the winner is drum roll please .................. May Britt. Man, that girl is lucky. Better buy yourself a lottery ticket! NO! Wait, buy me a lottery ticket! I decided to pick another name. Because I could! And the second winner is Annie.

Congratulations to the winners! Please e-mail me your snail mail address and I shall get your goodies in the mail!

Thank you everyone for participating in my drawing. I truly enjoy blogging and have made some wonderful friendships! The encouragement and inspiration I get from my friends in blogland is phenomenal!

Thank you!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Happy 75th blog posting anniversary!

What a beautiful day it was!

Given that I'm feeling much better, I took the opportunity to attend my Friday Quilting Bee. It's so wonderful to be amongst quilting friends! Best of all, Holly also had a chance to join us, which was such a treat. I did some hand sewing on the binding for Against the Grain Quilt!

Our Quilting Bee meets at Jennifer's house, whom I have convinced to start blogging. I'm presently working on Holly and Lora. ;o) Please pop on over to encourage Jennifer. She is an amazing quilter and as far as I'm concerned, a Saint. She has five (5) beautiful children who keep her quite busy and she still finds time to quilt. We won't get into the fact that she just adopted two (2) of the cuties puppies.

Given that this is my 75th post, I want to have a little surprise give away. Leave me a comment and I shall have a drawing on Sunday. I will be going for some quilting therapy tomorrow with this particular drawing in mind. ;o)

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog.

I'm thankful for the amazing friends I have made here on blogland.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy summer solstice!

Today I'm still working on odds and ends. Putting some finishing touches on some of the quilts that still needed a bit of work. Putting sleeves on etc..... and getting some dancing in between. Gosh the music sounds good today! It must be because it's Summer at last!

I decided that I wasn't going to participate in the Pincushion exchange that May Britt blogged about. As much as I find those sweet, I'm not good with stuff like that. So I'll sit on the side line and watch the event.

Guðrún did send me a picture of her pincushion. So, I got to have a sneak peak nah, nah, nah, nah nah! :op Gosh is it gorgeous. If you send me lots and lots of money, fabric and chocolates, I may let you have a sneak peak! ;o) I'll warn you, I'm not cheap! LOL

Who ever gets that pincushion will be so lucky.

Happy quilting and pincushioning!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My day!

I had my staples removed today. I feel like a free woman! So I took my freedom and went home to do a bit of quilting all while listening to music. I tried not to dance, I really did, but it was hard! ;o) I enjoying listening to music when I'm in my sewing room. My lap top is my life line!

I managed to get the My Favorite Things pined and ready for machine quilting. I'm still thinking about the designs I'll be using. I finished machine quilting the Against the Grain and even put on a sleeve. I'm in one of those moods where I want to completely finish projects; the ones that are lingering around because a little something needs to be done.

Remember Old Friends? Well, I'll be machine quilting the border. I finally decided what I wanted to do with that space. Sometimes I'll machine quilt a project until it's safe to put the binding on. Then, I'll think about what I want to do with the rest of the quilt. I will not wash the quilt until it is completely machine quilted. Do you get that way?

Best get my day going! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Voila..... Laundry bags!

I think I had mentioned the other day that I was working on two (2) laundry bags. I don't know what it is about general sewing, but I do not find it relaxing. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I know very little about home decorating etc.. sewing. I find it so different from quilting. Anyway, my husband had built the armoire for the bathroom to my specifications and now it was time for me to make the bags. The armoire has been done for about four (4) years and I have just gotten to it. A "his and hers" laundry hamper.

You might be wondering why the doors of the upper armoire are not painted yet. Well, they're temporary. Stephen had asked his best friend Vin to carve a design for the panels. We like for our furniture to have something special about it if we can and Vin is quite the talented entomologist. Vin, like myself, procrastinates. LOL As Stephen likes to joke, he's made a kid in less time then he's taking to carve the panels. lol Yes, they had a child three years ago. As a matter of fact Carolyn became pregnant around the same time Stephen asked for the carving. You can just imagine the jokes that fly when they get together. But they are best friends, so it's all in good fun.

So, until Vin decides to finish the panels, I will continue to look at my armoire as almost done. Well, at least I no longer have Stephen nagging me as to when am I going to get those bags done. lol

I'm hoping that these bags will keep my daughter's clothes off the bathroom floor as well as her bedroom floor. That kid, clothes every where! lol

Off to get some real sewing done! ;o)

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Baltimore Country Cousins

Today, I went shopping to buy a backing for My Favorite Thing Quilt. Once I had washed the backing and ironed it, I came to the realization that the clerk gave me 3 yards and 26 inches as opposed to 4 yards. Boy was I annoyed. Drove back to the shop, as I was determined to sandwich this baby today. I told her that I would take another yard and piece my backing. She insisted that I take another 4 yards. I watched her measure and I'm convinced there's something wrong with her unit of measument. She had a yard left and didn't even bother to give it to me for my troubles. Got home, measured it and it was barely 4 yards. By then I had no energy left to do anything with it. So, I poured myself a glass of wine and sat outside to enjoy the beautiful weather while I hand appliqued.

I managed to finish the Blue Bell Block from Baltimore Country Cousins BOM. I started this BOM last year in June with The Quilted Crow Quilt Shop. So far I have five (5) blocks done. I think there's twelve (12) blocks to this quilt.

As you can see I'm working on a few hand applique projects at a time. My hand basket always has a few squares ready to be tackled. I guess it's a question of what quilt I feel like working on!

After I sandwich the quilt, I'm hoping to get part 2 of the Wildberry vine done tomorrow. Both of these quilts are part of my UFO list to complete for the Stashbuster group.

I think I have way too many hand applique projects on this list. I may have to switch with other less time consuming quilts. It's not like I don't have other types of UFO hanging around!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tah, Dah a flimsy....!

As Darlene would call it. I wasn't able to finish it last night, as planned. I ran out of steam! However, I did manage to finish it today and I also ran out of steam! lol I cannot stand for long periods of time and must often take rest breaks. I keep forgetting or would that be ignoring the fact that it's barely been a week since I've had major surgery.

This is it! The completed hand applique quilt My Favorite Things - Cabin Fever Designs by Robyn Pandolph. I started this quilt in the Spring of 2001. The original border called for a 4 1/2 inch strip, but I preferred to make it a bit wider and added a 6 1/2 inch border. It will drape a twin size much better.

I haven't decided how I will machine quilt this project. I'll sleep on it tonight. Tomorrow I will proceed to sandwich the quilt and perhaps start machine quilting it. I'm hoping to complete this quilt before my time comes up as UFO Queen. Wish me energy! lol

I'm off to catch some zzzzzz.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm still here!

I haven't been bloging due to lack of things to talk/write about. I can't stand boring blogs so I'm surely not going to subject you to one of those.

What I've been up too you might ask? Mainly taking it easy. Mom left this afternoon. I'll miss her. I really enjoyed having her here. I'm sure she's eager to get back into her own things. She's been such a great help, which allowed me to concentrate on getting better. I will say that I'm finally starting to feel much better, more me. I'm not at my 100% yet, but I can certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel. My staples are coming out this Wednesday, hurray!

Well, Suzette has given me a heads up regarding the UFO Queen position on Stashbusters. So I've been busy working on my last applique block. Tah...dah..........

I have complete the final block on the hand applique quilt My Favorite Things by Robyn Pandolph - Cabin Fever Designs. The green leaves are much darker in real life and contrast well with the overall design. Photographs can be deceiving!

Tonight I plan on assembling the blocks with the sashing and perhaps even sew on the borders. If I'm feeling really energetic, I may even sandwich the quilt, making it ready to be machine quilted. Yea, right! lol

I haven't decided how I will be machine quilting it as of yet. It will probably be something simple in the blocks and perhaps a designs on the borders.

I'm hoping I can get this quilt done before my name comes up on the UFO Queen list. If not, that's okay. No use stressing about quilting! A fat quarter penalty is not a big deal and I will be happy to oblige.

I do hope you are all having a great weekend. The weather has just been marvelous. DD has been in the pool practically every day of this week.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A wonderful surprise!

Yesterday, mom and I were sitting outside enjoying the beautiful day. Mom was reading and I was hand appliqueing. The postman came and delivered a package all the way from Oz. Hum.... I quickly opened it and found these wonderful goodies from Leigh. What a pleasant surprise! I just couldn't believe it!

There's this beautiful fabric from The Old German Quilthouse. Two (2) Freddo, Chocolate Koalas and a Polly waffle, which are all new to me. Two (2) Caramello Koala, yes one's missing. I gave one to my mom. They are to die for! Believe me, the one left is NOT because I have immense willpower, but because my body has not yet recovered. I'll spare you the details. I'm guarding the last one! Hands off - I'm not sharing! lol

Last but not least, Words of Wisdom Stitchery - a Christine Book Designs. The stitchery says "My soul is fed by needle and thread". It is just beautiful! I have been toying with the idea of getting back into embroidery. So many of my imaginary friends (as Leigh's DH likes to tease) embroider and their work is gorgeous. This was a hobby I used to do in high school. I still have a pair of jeans that I embellished with hand embroidery! They don't fit, but hey, I still have them. When I'm better perhaps I'll dig them out and take a photo of them! This stitchery kit will provide me with the perfect opportunity to get back into it.

This surprise could not have come at a better time. I have not been feeling my best. I really didn't expect to feel this way. It seems to be taking forever for my body to recover from the surgery. Thank you Leigh, you made my day!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

I'm back!

First and foremost, I want to say thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my hearth to all who thought of me and or kept me in their prayers. You cannot imagine how much this meant to me. I am truly blessed. Luckily, it was not cancerous and the damage cause by the endometriosis was manageable. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.

Stephen and dd came to pick me around noon. I was schedule to stay one more day, but I asked to go home. I know my body and one more day at the hospital isn't going to make it better. I wanted to be with my family. Love has enormous healing powers!

Once home I was due for a nap! As much as I wanted to check out blogs, it just wouldn't be happening without a nap. Here I am fully energized and back to blogging. I think it's called an addiction! lol But you gals are so inspirational! I love reading what you've been up too!

Sweetie has just installed the air conditioners in our bedroom and my sewing room. No sense being uncomfortable. DD is out with mom to the movies and a dinner at Friendly's. Now I just wish I had the energy to quilt! lol

Thanks you again everyone, for thinking of me!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The beauty of it all!

Since a blog entry without a picture is somewhat boring, I'll share with you one of my favorite. The photograph credit goes to NASA. I love the moon! For me it signifies that life is a mystery!

I was tagged by Sharon of Red Geranium Cottage to post my "to do list". Since this will be my last entry for a little while, I thought I would post what my day will be:

  • 1. Give dd a big hug and tell her how much I love her - put her on the school bus
  • 2. Pack my bags - George Clooney and I are going away!
  • 3. Prepare my hand applique basket - in case George gets boring
  • 4. Call Martha Stewart to let her know that my home will not be ready for the photographer
  • 5. Answer some e-mails & perhaps read blogs
  • 6. Go to the post office
  • 7. Leave for my trip - Bon voyage!

    Have you ever taken magnesium citrate? Well don't, it's not an experience I would recommend to anyone. Oh, and if you never thought you were full of crap, well you'll get a whole new perspective on your person! lol So, here I am, literally empty and unable to eat! Stephen completely forgot and brought me my coffee in bed, like all other mornings. Talk about temptation!

    I don't have to be at the hospital until noon, but I do have a few things to get done. I shall leave you.

    Thank you for thinking of me, whether in prayers or in sending positive energy. As I mentioned in a prior blog entry, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by wonderful souls! I bow to you in gratitude! Namaste
  • Wednesday, June 6, 2007

    Just puttering around!

    Yesterday, I puttered around in my sewing room, cleaning here and there.

    I traced the panel on the French Cottage Quilt. I checked my huge collection of DMC floss, a remnant of my cross stitch days, and would you believe I was missing seven (7) colours for the panel! Geez, why is it that you always need more colours?

    Today, I went to see my doctor, Dr Gamal Eltabbakh. He does chemo therapy in his office. When I go there, I am reminded to count my blessings. It is difficult for me to see women plugged into a chemo IV. It truly gives one a whole new perspective on life and the importance of health. I bow in gratitude, thank you!

    After my pre-op, I took the opportunity to run some errands. Micheal's was having a sale on DMC floss, four (4) for a $1.00 - Bonus! I also bought an embroidery hoop.

    In the afternoon, I met a friend for coffee. Rabbi Waldmann is a quilter, whom I met from the newsgroup a couple of years ago. We caught up on news and quilting. She has offered to include my name in the misheberach on Friday! I am truly blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people who are thinking of me during this trying time! I bow once again in gratitude, thank you!

    Off to get some laundry folded! Oh joy! lol Which reminds me of a book I read by Jack Kornfield, After Ecstasy, the Laundry! Great book!

    Tuesday, June 5, 2007

    Tah Dah.......on to quilting!

    My paper is finally done! Hurray! I can move on with my life!

    First, I want to say that the picture you are seeing is not a quilt of mine. It was done by Wendy, who posted an entry on her blog Snippets of a Quilter.

    When I first saw this quilt, I immediately feel in love with it. Wendy has graciously given me permission to use it on my blog. The picture on the pattern does not do the quilt justice. And well, Wendy's quilt does! So thank you again Wendy for allowing me to show your beautiful work.

    My mother, like most women in the late 50's, hand embroidered. She has a few pillow cases and serviettes that she's kept. She is not a quilter, however she has agreed to work with me on this quilt.

    You see, my daughter has nothing made by my mother. Given that she just loves quilts, I thought it would be a great idea if my mother and I worked jointly on a quilt.

    The pattern is called French Cottage Design by Crab-Apple Hill . It has two columns on each sides that are hand embroidered, which will be done by my mother. I shall do the sewing/piecing part. I think it will be wonderful that my daughter will have a quilt that has her grandmother's hand work.

    Today, I shall attempt to get the embroidery panels done so that my mom can get working on it. She's been asking about it! My mother is coming down to stay with us for approximately a week in order to help me out. I'm sure she'll appreciate a bit of hand work while she takes care of my daughter.

    Have a great day every one!

    Monday, June 4, 2007

    My baby turned 10 today!


    You bring me so such joy! Thank you for being a part a part of my life!

    I love you my little Beanhead!

    Friday, June 1, 2007

    Temptation, here I am!

    Talk about lacking focus!!

    The Fat Quarter Shop was having a sale on patterns and fabrics. So I took the opportunity to check out their site. I found two patterns on sale. I just love the Miss Rosie line of patterns and was looking to buy the Lucy in the Sky quilt pattern. Bonus it was on sale! The Bunny Hill Designs was also on sale, so why not! Who can pass up a sale!

    Of course I like to take advantage of shipping charges and try my best to bring it to the max of the dollar tier. It makes me feel as though I'm getting my money's worth in shipping charges! ;o) So I looked around for a book I had seen on Darlene's blog (she has such great taste) called Comfort & Joy by Acorn Quilt & Gift Company. What a beautiful book it is. I can certainly see myself making quite a few quilts from that book! Great, just what I need, more distraction! lol The beauty about this book is that I can actually use fabric from my stash!

    Yesterday I went shopping in Vermont. I was in one of those moods where I just wanted to run away. I bought fabric and notions for the Amy Butler - Weekend travel bag that I had blogged about. I fell in love with this fabric. The background is dark blue. I think I'll just be styling when I go away on weekend trips.

    I'm hoping to start all of these projects before I listen to my Stephen Covey audio book on Focus! LOL

    Have a great day every one!
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