I'm here! Life has just been busy as of late. My DH was on vacation for the week and it somehow always throws off my routine. He's been working on the barn frame most of the week. He amazes me with his detailed work. I get to see the "old fashion way" of shaping the joints etc for the framing. I will at some point have to do some research on "How to Host a Barn Raising". I am looking forward to the event. It should be fun!

Stephen is away this weekend in Landenburg, PA on a "boy's weekend". Another hobby of his, a side from wood working, is recording music. He still gets together with two (2) members, who also happen to be his best friends, of his high school band called -
Interview. The photograph above are the "boys" together (my husband is the middle one). I call it the GQ shot! (Photo taken by Philip Carpenter)

I think it's wonderful that they still enjoy creating music after all these years. Although no one would quit their day job to make a living off music, it's still a serious hobby for them. This weekend they have a Cello player for the recording. They also have a Violin player,
Xian Gao who happens to be a professor of music at a
University of Delaware, that likes to join in every now and again. My husband plays the bass. Aside from music, their weekend always include fine food and wine. The "boys" all enjoy gourmet cooking. It's fun to watch them in the kitchen, advising each other on how something should be done. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it due to our daughter's prior commitment. Of course, I go for the food, the wine and the S.E.X. (Stash Enhancing eXperience).
Friday, I went to a "Girls Night In" at my LQS. We were eight (8) and we had a blast. They supply the pizza and you bring your project and drink. I brought my hand applique basket along. They have a small class room so it worked out great. I finished the last of part 1 of Wildberry Vines and managed to get a bit done on the Baltimore Cousins. Nudge, nudge, Darlene did you read that part! ;o)
Saturday, I received a wonderful package full of delicious surprises from a dear friend, Cheryl, in Oz. She is such a sweetheart! Some of the goodies were a wombat and two (2) bilby(s), chocolate of course! A pattern, some fabric and a beautiful kitty cat hook bar. I just love surprises!
On the quilting front, I haven't worked on Carolyn's quilt much. I did sew the blocks and rows together. I have the border to sew on and onward it is to sandwich and machine quilting. I may do the bulk of it today. It is a beautiful sunny spring day so I may go out and enjoy the fresh air as opposed to quilting all day.
Happy Spring everyone!
I almost missed the nudge! LOL
Honestly, I have been thinking about my Country Cousins but haven't done anything about them. teehee!
Nice to "see" you! Enjoy your Sunday.
An old fashioned barn raising sounds like fun - especially if after the band plays and you can rock out all night :)) What kind of music does your husband play?
I find when Jim is home from work it sets my whole schedule off as well -- he starts wondering what's for dinner about 10:30!!
Loved reading your post. I grew up in a family where live music in the home was taken for granted. And I have a son & grandson who play bass. Lots in common. I miss the days of that and the great times. Your experiences are more of a high-brow type music as my dad played steel guitar in country music groups. I LOVE violin and cello music so I would certainly enjoy being a fly on the wall at your place. :) Happy Easter wishes.
Surprises are great so is chocolate! Glad to hear you have discovered chocolate bilby's the Aussie equivalent to the chocolate rabbit.
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