Fellow loyal subjects of the Land of Stashbusters, it is moi again, Ditch Witch and I am here to fulfill my duties.
Trumpets please:
By Proclamation of your Royal Hinny Listmom, as Witch Ditch of the land of the Stashbusters, my duty is to assist you in unshackling … blah, blah ... so on and so forth………..
This weeks Ditch Item – The Rejects!
What rejects are lingering your sewing studio? What do I mean by reject you might ask, all those little items that you’re afraid to get rid of due to ingrained thoughts that it might come in handy on a rainy day.
If it’s not an umbrella, you have no use for it in your quilting life!
Although it may not look like Spring in parts of the Land of Stashbuster’s, do not be fooled by Mother Nature. Spring is here!
Un-clutter your sewing area. Give your reject fabrics, kits, blocks, book, in-laws*, threads etc…. to a charitable organization. As the saying goes, one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure!
Clean out your scrap bins, you’d be amazed at how dusty it gets! The drawers of your sewing cabinet! Un-clutter your cutting table – it’s time to Ditch and make room for the new!
And while you’re at it, clean out your computer; get rid of that stash of cookies that's cluttering your hard drive. Delete those web sites that you no longer frequent!
I declare Wednesday April 18, 2007 to be the day of Ditching the rejects! Out with the old and in with the new!
Our motto: Ditch it before it Ditches you!
Our symbol: The broom
End of proclamation
Please dispose of sharp object appropriately. For those who wish to recycle rotary blades, you may check out LP Sharps's Rotary Cutter site.
*Disclaimer: Ditch Witch and/or the Governing bodies of the Land of Stashbusters are not responsible for those items that you have chosen to dispose that may come back and haunt you!
Ditch Witch
Land of Stashbusters
You Go, Girl! My sewing room NEEDS that broom...oh my. You are getting me energized just reading your post.
I'm trying....I'm trying...I have lots of those things "that I might use one day". Out they go, thanks for the engergy to get it DONE!
You are a nut! And I say that in the kindest most well meaning way. Please don't look at my sewing room pictures! LOL!
I like the "in with the new" part. I'm good at that. If anyone doesn't know of a good charitable organization and wants to get rid of GOOD stuff, well, hey, I'm here for you!
I love that blade site - but I am not sure it is worth sending all my old blades all the way from OZ lol.
We generate a LOT of old blades here and I keep most, hoping that we will get some way to reuse them. So far there is nothing like this out here.
Oh Well!
Cheryl & the Cats in OZ
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