For those of you who are not privy to the Royal proclamation by moi, allow me to re-state my Wednesday proclamation.
I proclaim: trumpets please!
As Witch Ditch of the land of the Stashbusters, my duty is to assist you in unshackling any quilt related items, and that would include your spouse, that are no longer necessary for your creative endeavors. If you haven’t used it in a while, time to Ditch it!
What do I mean by Ditching?
Give it to someone who could make better use of it, and that would include the recycling community and/or the municipal dump!
This weeks Ditch Item – UFOs and that would include patterns, templates etc…..
As Nadine Ruggles once said in podcast episode 7,“UFOs are by-products or our creativity”.
A by-product you will recall is “a secondary and sometimes unexpected or unintended result of an action or process”. Thank you Mr. Webster and for those who like quotes to reinforce the meaning of a word, if Agnes Repplier was a quilter her quote would read,“pleasure is a very important by-product of quilting”.
Therefore, I declare Wednesday April 4, 2007 the official day of Ditching the by-products of your creativity that DO NOT give you pleasure.
What do I mean by pleasure, Mr. Webster please: “the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by expectation or enjoyment of something good, delightful or satisfying". And if H.J. Fuller was a quilter, his quote would read “the pleasures which one derive from the quilting experience” –
PLEASURE is our unit of measurement!
Pleasure less = ditch it
Should you not abide by my commands, a spell will be cast over the Stashbusters land whereby a UFO invasion will occur. Quilters across the land will be paralyzed from the by-products of their creativity.
Our motto: Ditch it before it Ditches you!
End of Proclamation!
No sooner did I take my broom out for a picture, there appeared Midnight! He just loves broom rides!
So there you have it, I've come out of the closet, Broom and all!
Salt and Sea,
Of ill stay free,
Fire and air,
Draw all that is fair.
Around and around,
The circle is bound!*
Be well and abide by the proclamation and be warned of the consequences!
* Starhawk "The Sprial Dance - A rebirth of the Ancient Religions of the Great Goddess" Harper: San Francisco 1979, 1989 p. 88
Well, okay, but what week do you have set aside for spouse removal and where do we send him? I want to mark my calendar NOW. Can I trade him in for fabric?
I am her daughter and I say THATS MY KITTEN!! I PICKED IT OUT MYSELF!
You are one cwazy quilter!
There's nothing wrong with riding a broom - it's my preferred mode of transportation but mine has turbo boost. LOL
I'm gonna' borrow that broom and sweep my need-to-be-ditched stuff right out of here. It might be a big pile so I may need to keep the broom least. :)
Once I get started it might become a ditching marathon...
Conni Lu
You read my mind, I've been thinking about Ditching for the last few weeks, I just needed that broom to get me started. Thanks for the push.
One must be brave to following through on such drastic measures...
I will come back and reread your proclamation for inspiration and hope for the courage to let go of the pleasureless things I don't need!
I said to my DH last nite.....i wish i could walk into my sewing room and all of those UFO's didnt ur magic Witch Ditch!!!!
So if we're only ditching pleasureless things, I get to keep DH ((blush))
But I can ditch a big 'ol box of orphan blocks onto the guilds freebie table!
Love your post! I'm going to be re-evaluating the things in my sewing room.
I was driving the freeway yesterday(BIG shock!)...and I got stuck behind a flatbed semi. Guess what was on the back? A REAL Ditch Witch! I was going 65 or I would have tried to get you a picture! HA!
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