This was the second block and it is called Unbroken Circle. It was a long block to complete mainly due to the many leaves. Some of the blocks are quick while others can take some time. I use the needle turn applique method. I make templates with freezer paper, outline with a pencil for light fabric and a blue or white pencil for dark fabrics. I glue my pieces using Roxane's basting glue, which I'm sure is Elmer's glue diluted. Don't quote me on this, I haven't tested this as of yet. I have used archival glue stick and had the same results. What I do not like about the glue stick is the hardness as it dries. It is difficult to be precise and not put a blob of glue on. Roxane's tiny applicator solves that problem. I was informed that Avery came out with a glue stick that is the size of a pencil, archival and washable. I may give that a try.
The third block is called Drooping Daisies. I had a difficult time with the gold decor of the vase. It took me a while to get the inner curve right. I'm no expert in applique but I will say that I'm seeing some improvement. I have yet to wash an applique quilt. I'm somewhat afraid that it will fray and/or fall apart. For all I know I may be stitching the pieces to death. I should note that none of the blocks have been squared. They are all 18.5 inches but the templates were photocopied using the percentage of a 16 inch block. I haven't decided to what size I will square the finished blocks too.
My last finished block is called Crossed Hearts. It was much simpler to do than Unbroken Circle. What I liked about this Baltimore quilt is that it has a folk feeling to it. Lately I have been attracted to what I consider Folk colours and styles. I do have 3 blocks ready to be hand appliqued. They are in my basket of hand work. However, the Wildberry Vine BOM takes precedence over this one as it is much older. I am determined to get the old UFOs out of the way before I work on newer projects. Thanks Suze for allowing me a little break from the Wildberry BOM. It was a pleasure to get out the blocks and say a bit about them.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and share in my quilting joys.
thank you or sharing!
maria daniela in rome
Beautiful appliqué blocks! I'm guessing you must really like needleturn appliqué. I'm right there with you - I absolutely love it. I keep thinking I'll do some projects with invisible machine appliqué, but I always switch to the handwork at the last minute. I just enjoy working with my hands so much. I have this book and love the quilt - one of these days . . . .
I love these blocks Carole....i think my favorite is the second one but i like the fourth one as well lol...thnx for sharing!!!
Love it...Love it...
I look forward to seeing more blocks, I know you are taking a break from this UFO so it might be awhile before I see more. Thanks for sharing.
The applique blocks are lovely.
I bought some Roxanne's glue but I have not used it yet. I use the needle turn applique method as well but usually I just pin the pieces on. Do you find it works much better to glue them on? (I keep forgetting I have the glue)
Your blocks are lovely. I particularly like the bottom one. It will be great to see the quilt when it is done. It will be beautiful.
Your blocks are beautiful!!!!
Wow, they are beautiful! I'm glad Darlene put a link to your site!
LOVE those blocks Carole. I wonder if that pattern is still available? As for the glue, I just posted about that. Take a look at my blog for a method I like. Give it a try. I found your blog via Vicky, by the way. Nice work!
I like your blocks a lot. The colors are beautiful and your applique is very nice. I am looking forward to seeing more of this project.
You have some great fabrics there. I will have to try your method of appliqué. I have never tried that way before.
Thanks for the link for the Wildberry Vines. I plan to give her a call to see if there might be one left as soon as the opportunity arises.
I remember when you started this quilt. You left me a link to the book and I liked it so much I bought it. Of course it is still on the "one day" list - lol - but I will make it ONE DAY! Your rendition is looking just gorgeous.
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